Scientists have for the first time short superconductivity at room temperature

United group of scientists from the Hamburg Institute. Max Planck received, although very short, the effect of superconductivity at room temperature. For this, they were irradiated by pulses of infrared laser ceramic superconductor. In the experiment, we used a well-known material, оксид yttrium-barium-copper or YBCO. This is described in site Institute .
YBCO material was obtained in 1987. He is called "high-temperature" superconductor, because it allows to achieve this effect at temperatures up to 70 degrees above absolute zero. The crystalline structure of the material consists of a double layer of copper oxide, alternating with layers containing barium, copper and oxygen. Superconductivity occurs in double layers of copper oxide. Here, the electrons form a куперовские pair , which tunnel through the material without resistance. But all this magic happens only when the temperatures of -200C.
However, as scientists have found out, the laser pulses affect the behavior of pairs of electrons. The exact mechanism of this effect has been clarified after a series of experiments using a powerful X-ray laser. Roman Mankovska, lead author of the study, said: "We are fed infrared signals to the crystal, leading to excitation of atoms and some of their oscillations. After a short time we filed a short X-ray pulses to measure the exact structure of the excited crystal. "
It turned out that not only infrared pulses to excite the atom, but also moved them to their seats in the crystal. This has led to the fact that copper dioxide layers become slightly thicker picometer two and sandwiched between them is thinner by the same amount. This increased number of pairs of quantum between layers, leading to the onset of superconductivity at a few picoseconds.
On the one hand, the study adds information in the body of knowledge about superconductors. On the other hand, says Mankovska, "it can help scientists who are developing materials to create new superconductors with higher operating temperature. And in the end, realize the dream of a superconductor at room temperature, does not require refrigeration. "
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242989/
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