Pearl farming

Before you put the oysters in the sea after 2 years of the incubator, each placed a small nucleus around which will grow a pearl.

Within 3 years, divers will periodically get cells with oysters and turn them to pearls are perfectly round, and shine through their X-ray to make sure that everything is fine pearl.

"The cultivation of pearls - a very laborious process," - says Jacques. "Any change in the temperature and the state of the water can affect the oysters. Anything that feels and experiences the oyster, pearl and influences can ruin its quality. Already 38 years I have been in cultivation of pearls, but still learning, constantly learning something new. Mining of gold pearls very challenging. To achieve perfection in this business must overcome a long way ».

Not all the pearls may have a golden color, some are white or champagne color. Of the 700 thousand pearls, which are produced on farms Jacques, more than 75% are considered to be of the highest quality pearls.

The company not only produces pearls, but also independently design creates jewelry that is a perfect combination of European and Asian artistry and craftsmanship.

Source: avaxnews.net