Nanodiplomy (nanodegrees) after online learning recognized as the largest IT-company
Online courses are becoming more popular, replacing the traditional full-time training to prepare for future careers. Some conservatives have said before that learning via the Internet is not as effective as a personal attending lectures, but now they have lost and that trumps. Recent studies show that online courses as effective as traditional forms of learning . < br />
In the most advanced IT-companies have long understood this - and do not pay much attention to the presence of this high school diploma. Here is a look at real knowledge, taking into account of the different certificates and courses completed PhD.
For example, one of the sites with courses Udacity recently began issuing nanodiplomy in web development (Front-End Web Developer). These "certificates" can be considered an official document. At least they recognize for a job at Google, AT & T, Autodesk, Cloudera, Salesforce and other major companies.
In the future we plan to open educational programs in other areas: development under iOS, backend web developer and data analyst.
It should be noted that the company recently received Udacity $ 35 million in venture funding. This is a great success for well-known businessman Sebastian Tran (Sebastian Thrun), CEO and founder of Udacity.
Sebastian Tran (left) talks with Governor Gavin Newsom on the conference TechCrunch Disrupt i>
Tellingly, among investors Udacity - not just US companies, but also companies from Brazil (Valor Capital Group), Germany (Bertelsmann) and Japan (Recruit). This means that the model of online learning is considered promising in different countries.
"Our education system is established at the request of the industry - says Sebastian Tran. - They provided us with the best shots, as well as money for the creation of content, and they also developed the initial draft of the curriculum. For example, Google has helped us to create courses on Android, in accordance with the way she understands the conditions necessary for Android-developers ».
Founder Udacity explains that online education should not compete with university education. This professional training courses, which are extremely practical task - to prepare a person to work on a particular profession. In such a situation, learning becomes more directional: the man is not fed anything extra, but only the necessary knowledge, so the whole process is faster.
Statistics show that the usual "student» Udacity - a man from 24 to 34 years who are employed below the potential level and would like to improve their skills. According to the founder of the company, training record about 3 million people from 119 countries.
Getting "nanodiploma" is designed for 6-12 months, provided training 10 hours a week.
However, training in Udacity not free: it will cost $ 200 per month. It's cheaper than training in leading universities. However, the Internet can find and free courses with the same curriculum.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/238953/