SpaceX will send 40 mice on the ISS
Private company SpaceX has received another order for delivery of cargo to the International Space Station by booster Dragon. At this time, an unusual cargo - 40 live mice in containers.
Mice are needed for the experiment on the effect of microgravity on mammals. People are not allowed to carry out in space for more than 6 months, and the mice send at least two years to see how destructive to the body can be a long stay in such conditions.
Mice live in convenient modules, each of which holds up to 10 animals. In the modules loaded water and food, and the internal structure provides for freedom of movement of the grid along the floor, ceiling and walls to mice did not get bored.
Containers for mice i>
The modules are also equipped with video and infrared cameras to monitor vital signs test. This is not the first time that the mice sent to the ISS for the experiments.
Next start Dragon held no later than September and will be the fourth of 12 visits to the ISS, which is scheduled to end in 2015. Under contract with NASA's SpaceX company will receive $ 1, 6 billion.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/230419/
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