As the animals are transported in the aircraft

Miniature Schnauzer Mickey and girl Tanya went from Sheremetyevo Airport to Prague flight airlines Czech Airlines.

Flights for the dog need a cell. If the weight of the animal together with a cell does not exceed 8 kg, it can fly in the cabin. In this case, the sum of length, height and width of the cells should not exceed 115 cm. But this is not the case, so Mickey will travel in the baggage compartment.

The cage should have to be rigid and large enough for the animal to calm it up and turn around. All the details better check with the specific airline because the requirements may vary slightly.

Special control at the entrance to the terminal E of Sheremetyevo Airport.

Things and cells on a conveyor belt, people and dogs through the frame.

The first step is to head to the veterinary control.

No sooner than three to before departure to get a veterinary certificate (form №1-vet) at any state veterinary clinic.

On departure are possible options - if the dog has a European veterinary certificate (and Mickey he is - lies to the left), then the employee Veterinary Service makes a mark in the passport. And if you do not have a passport, in exchange for the certificate (for example, lies on the right) on the day of departure issued an international veterinary certificate. Since the rules tend to change, it is better to clarify the procedure beforehand.

The dog should be made all the necessary vaccinations, the rabies vaccination must be placed at least 30 days prior to the visit to the veterinarian.

Which vaccinations are needed for a particular country, it is better to be interested separately. In some countries, such as the UK or Cyprus, with animals is better not to go - there they get a six-month quarantine.

Before the flight, it is necessary to take a stroll and a drink of water.

Miniature Schnauzer is the smallest breed of group schnauzers, the height at the withers is 30-35 cm. It is also among the most stunted breed working dogs.

You can run a little on the spacious corridors of Terminal E.

And play with a favorite toy.

The intention to carry with them the dog should be reported even when booking a ticket. Typically, airlines are allowed to carry no more than one animal in each cabin - business class and economy, and no more than one animal in the front and rear cargo compartments of the aircraft.

Also, it is likely a requirement that the animals were, so to speak, of the same type - that is, if one travels cabin cat, the dog can not take even a different cabin because they are still each other uchuyut. Therefore, when booking is always necessary to get a confirmation that the dog is accepted for carriage, and usually from the airline, it takes some time.

Whiskers, paws and tail!

The weight of the animal and the container for its transportation is paid for as excess baggage. And as a whole, and not as the difference between the allowed rate and the actual weight of the animal cells, and the passenger's baggage.

"My name is Mickey, and I'm flying to Prague." The girl, by the way, is flying unaccompanied, so attached to the baggage tag red UM - Unattended Minor.

On boarding pass made a special mark.

Excess weight dog EUR 60 paid office Czech Airlines.

A sad moment of parting mistress and faithful dog. But not for long.

Next cage with a dog carries a loader. We were allowed to follow him to where ordinary passengers are not admitted.

All luggage stowed our flight. Mickey should be in a separate, trailing trolley.

- How do you feel, the passenger?
- Gave good!

Luggage is delivered to load the plane. The photo is seen the open luggage hatch of the aircraft Airbus A319, but the fly in the tail Mickey luggage compartment.

Tanya looks out the window and worried about his dog. On the phone, we can report that everything is in order.

The last formality before downloading Mickey in the luggage compartment.

Someone asked - but if there is not cold, in the rear compartment? Reporting - There is not cold, room temperature.

While the aircraft ready to fly, we have time to get to the restaurant "Fifth Ocean" - hence the great views from the windows.
Our A319 taxiing on.

The plane takes off and is heading for Prague. Mickey moved normal flight, and return too.
During filming, no dog suffered.

Source: fotografersha.livejournal.com