Dangerous animals
10. The sea wasp. In appearance it is a common jellyfish, but very poisonous. Fishermen, whose network gets this "fish", beware of using these networks again - you can easily put into a hospital, so powerful poison secreted by jellyfish. Sea wasp is fully capable to kill a person if there is negligence wanting to touch the tentacles of dangerous creatures.
9. Hippos. Of course, at the zoo these hulking tolstyachki so funny mouth open to visitors sketched there muffins and other goodies ... In nature, hippos are able to develop unprecedented agility, especially in water - woe to anyone who accidentally collide with hippopotamus during mating, then peace Hippo turns into a wild beast, able to kill anyone who hurt him calm.
8. Leo. Actually, the king of beasts was never peaceful kitten, under any circumstances, the lion can not be pets. By "Discovery" often tell how lazy these majestic animals. Judge for yourself what they are lazy.
7. Bees. We have all heard the expression "hard-working, like a bee." And heard anyone phrase "dangerous, like a bee"? No? But besides the usual honey bees have killer bees that live in the South, Central and North America.
6. African bull. Because this animal attacks each year kills more than 500 people. At first glance, there is nothing in the bull is dangerous, but in fact it is very easy to infuriate, turning into a fiend.
5. Elephants. It's hard to imagine, but because of the attacks of elephants killed more than 600 people annually. By the way, frightened or angry elephant can reach speeds up to 65 km / h, that is quite able to catch up with the vehicle traveling over rough terrain.
4. Crocodiles. These reptiles live by hunting, and only her. Sometimes the jaws of a crocodile and a man can get - if it is really very careless. Each year killed more than 2 million people, and the figure does not decrease, but even increases.
3. Scorpions. These arthropods are extremely common throughout the world, especially in the 49-1 parallels. Of course, there are many types of scorpions - considered the most dangerous black scorpion tolstohvosty able to kill a camel, not to mention the man. More than 5,000 human deaths per year - the price paid by the people of the neighborhood with this animal.
2. Snakes. Actually, there is nothing to say - we all know how dangerous poisonous snakes, killing a total of 100 thousand people each year.
1. However, no snakes, no scorpions and elephants are considered the most dangerous animals to humans. Serial killers are the most petty human neighbors - mosquitoes. About 3 million people die every year due to the bite of a subspecies of this parasite. Naturally, the bite itself is harmless - except that hurts a little. But microscopic parasites, malaria parasite contained in the saliva of mosquito kill millions of people.

9. Hippos. Of course, at the zoo these hulking tolstyachki so funny mouth open to visitors sketched there muffins and other goodies ... In nature, hippos are able to develop unprecedented agility, especially in water - woe to anyone who accidentally collide with hippopotamus during mating, then peace Hippo turns into a wild beast, able to kill anyone who hurt him calm.

8. Leo. Actually, the king of beasts was never peaceful kitten, under any circumstances, the lion can not be pets. By "Discovery" often tell how lazy these majestic animals. Judge for yourself what they are lazy.
7. Bees. We have all heard the expression "hard-working, like a bee." And heard anyone phrase "dangerous, like a bee"? No? But besides the usual honey bees have killer bees that live in the South, Central and North America.

6. African bull. Because this animal attacks each year kills more than 500 people. At first glance, there is nothing in the bull is dangerous, but in fact it is very easy to infuriate, turning into a fiend.

5. Elephants. It's hard to imagine, but because of the attacks of elephants killed more than 600 people annually. By the way, frightened or angry elephant can reach speeds up to 65 km / h, that is quite able to catch up with the vehicle traveling over rough terrain.

4. Crocodiles. These reptiles live by hunting, and only her. Sometimes the jaws of a crocodile and a man can get - if it is really very careless. Each year killed more than 2 million people, and the figure does not decrease, but even increases.

3. Scorpions. These arthropods are extremely common throughout the world, especially in the 49-1 parallels. Of course, there are many types of scorpions - considered the most dangerous black scorpion tolstohvosty able to kill a camel, not to mention the man. More than 5,000 human deaths per year - the price paid by the people of the neighborhood with this animal.

2. Snakes. Actually, there is nothing to say - we all know how dangerous poisonous snakes, killing a total of 100 thousand people each year.

1. However, no snakes, no scorpions and elephants are considered the most dangerous animals to humans. Serial killers are the most petty human neighbors - mosquitoes. About 3 million people die every year due to the bite of a subspecies of this parasite. Naturally, the bite itself is harmless - except that hurts a little. But microscopic parasites, malaria parasite contained in the saliva of mosquito kill millions of people.