Suppressor bees Wang Dalin
Chinese farmer Wang Dalin won in an amazing contest for participants who need to land as many bees.
42-year-old beekeeper reached the final of the ordinary and unsafe "bee" competition facility in Shaoyang, Hunan Province, China, together with twenty farmer Lee Kongdzyangom.
Brave 42-year-old beekeeper Wang Dalin, covered by bees from head to toe, standing on special measuring scales.
The Braves had to stand on the scales of all clothing they had the right to remain only in shorts. After that, the queen bee had to draw on their bodies other bees.
Mr. Wang Dalin acknowledged the winner - for sixty minutes at a village the number of bees, which reached a total weight of 26 kilograms of 86, according to local newspapers. On Mr. Lee Kongdzyanga village a total of 22, 9 kg of bees.
The runner-up Li Kongdzyang welcomed the audience to look at the amazing race spectators
Unusual competition attracted huge crowds of curious. Vprchoem, unlike the participants, most of them attended to in order to stock up on special protective clothing.
42-year-old beekeeper reached the final of the ordinary and unsafe "bee" competition facility in Shaoyang, Hunan Province, China, together with twenty farmer Lee Kongdzyangom.
Brave 42-year-old beekeeper Wang Dalin, covered by bees from head to toe, standing on special measuring scales.
The Braves had to stand on the scales of all clothing they had the right to remain only in shorts. After that, the queen bee had to draw on their bodies other bees.
Mr. Wang Dalin acknowledged the winner - for sixty minutes at a village the number of bees, which reached a total weight of 26 kilograms of 86, according to local newspapers. On Mr. Lee Kongdzyanga village a total of 22, 9 kg of bees.
The runner-up Li Kongdzyang welcomed the audience to look at the amazing race spectators
Unusual competition attracted huge crowds of curious. Vprchoem, unlike the participants, most of them attended to in order to stock up on special protective clothing.