Inscriptions. Mexico
An old French proverb teaches: "If one day you feel like the happiest man in the world - go to the cemetery. And when will feel most unhappy - go there again. " This advice often like to give philosophers and psychologists. And not without reason: there, in the cemetery, in the uncomfortable quiet, looking at the faded photographs of the dead, vchityvayas in mournful strings on cold plates gloomy, inevitably sobering - and from the insane euphoria of happiness, and from the debilitating anguish.
Let us, dear reader, take a short walk to the cemeteries of Mexico and take a look at what people write on the graves. And they write, as it turns out, every ... and very even yumorkom.
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Let us, dear reader, take a short walk to the cemeteries of Mexico and take a look at what people write on the graves. And they write, as it turns out, every ... and very even yumorkom.
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