Personal oasis on the office table
In the era of CRT common belief that stunted cactus standing next to the screen, the user can protect against harmful interference. Although the healing power of cactus - thing is pretty dubious, indoor plants can be quite helpful - they humidify the air, produce oxygen, pleasing to the eye and generally improve the microclimate. Brazilian industrial designer Julio Radescu developed office desk with built hydroponic system for growing useful houseplants. Containers for flowers is integral with top - no messing around with pots and earth, just need to periodically fill the nutrient solution in a special funnel, and sometimes remove dust from the leaves.
This prompted the idea of designer lecture Mittla Kamal, who studied the effect of indoor plants on the health of people in one of the office buildings in New Delhi . Mittl picked up a set of three common houseplants - дипсиса zhelovatogo , сансевиерии and эпипремнума, which produce a lot of oxygen and effectively clean the air. These plants were planted in large quantities in the building - the result was a marked reduction in the incidence of respiratory diseases, headaches, asthma, and eye irritation from the people in the office.
In the table Julio Radescu these plants are located on the perimeter and in addition to fresh air create a visual and acoustic barrier that separates the workplace. In principle, there is nothing difficult to create a table in a few isolated from each other sections - and then we can grow several types of plants that are incompatible with each other on the requirements for fertilizers and the frequency of watering. For example, peppermint tea, and still the same good old cactus.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/217763/
This prompted the idea of designer lecture Mittla Kamal, who studied the effect of indoor plants on the health of people in one of the office buildings in New Delhi . Mittl picked up a set of three common houseplants - дипсиса zhelovatogo , сансевиерии and эпипремнума, which produce a lot of oxygen and effectively clean the air. These plants were planted in large quantities in the building - the result was a marked reduction in the incidence of respiratory diseases, headaches, asthma, and eye irritation from the people in the office.
In the table Julio Radescu these plants are located on the perimeter and in addition to fresh air create a visual and acoustic barrier that separates the workplace. In principle, there is nothing difficult to create a table in a few isolated from each other sections - and then we can grow several types of plants that are incompatible with each other on the requirements for fertilizers and the frequency of watering. For example, peppermint tea, and still the same good old cactus.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/217763/