118 days without heart
14-year-old American has lived 118 days without a heart
using improvised devices constructed transplant. According to the girls, during that time she felt "unreal man."
In the spring of this year DiZhany Simmons (D'Zhana Simmons) of Clinton, South Carolina, was found a progressive increase in the chambers of the heart, because of which the body is not able to provide sufficient blood circulation. The reason for this increase and its character (thickening or stretching) is not reported; theoretically, it could be on the basis of cardiomyopathy or heart defects. The girl was sent to a children's hospital Holtz in Miami, Florida, where she made a heart transplant.
However, in the transplanted heart formed a massive clot (blood clot), which threatens the life of the girl, which is why it was removed two days after surgery. In order to support the circulation DiZhany, surgeons constructed a temporary artificial heart made of special fabric, connected to two pumps originally designed to support the work of the left ventricle of the heart (ventricular assist devices). The outer part of this device is the size of the average of the copier. While waiting for a new heart girl had to be connected to it for 118 days.
Half the time she could not breathe on their own, and suffered acute renal and liver failure and gastrointestinal bleeding. October 29, when the young American state had stabilized, she underwent a second heart transplant, this time successfully. Currently, she can walk alone, and on Wednesday, after the end of rehabilitation, she was discharged from the hospital. Doctors assess the chances of the need for re-transplantation (resource of donor organs is not very large) to 30 years of age as one-to-one.
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using improvised devices constructed transplant. According to the girls, during that time she felt "unreal man."

In the spring of this year DiZhany Simmons (D'Zhana Simmons) of Clinton, South Carolina, was found a progressive increase in the chambers of the heart, because of which the body is not able to provide sufficient blood circulation. The reason for this increase and its character (thickening or stretching) is not reported; theoretically, it could be on the basis of cardiomyopathy or heart defects. The girl was sent to a children's hospital Holtz in Miami, Florida, where she made a heart transplant.
However, in the transplanted heart formed a massive clot (blood clot), which threatens the life of the girl, which is why it was removed two days after surgery. In order to support the circulation DiZhany, surgeons constructed a temporary artificial heart made of special fabric, connected to two pumps originally designed to support the work of the left ventricle of the heart (ventricular assist devices). The outer part of this device is the size of the average of the copier. While waiting for a new heart girl had to be connected to it for 118 days.
Half the time she could not breathe on their own, and suffered acute renal and liver failure and gastrointestinal bleeding. October 29, when the young American state had stabilized, she underwent a second heart transplant, this time successfully. Currently, she can walk alone, and on Wednesday, after the end of rehabilitation, she was discharged from the hospital. Doctors assess the chances of the need for re-transplantation (resource of donor organs is not very large) to 30 years of age as one-to-one.
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