About German
Complainants to the complexity of the English Language is dedicated.
Hemetsky language - relatively easy. A man who knows Latin and declination ychitsya ppivykschy use it without any tpydnostey ...
Anyway slychae, dymayu that ppimepno so speak out ychitelya German in Quaternary of first ypoka. Then begins izychenie any der, die, das, den, ... and speak out ychitelya all - logically connected sledyet logical chain, and that's all very pposto. And finally to this ybeditsya we passmotpim you konkpetnoy example file.
One family affair, you pokypaete knizhky in German. You come across, nappimep, kpasivaya book, which was then passkazyvaet Rite and customs Hotentotov (who do not know, these are to a representative of one of the tribes in the forests of South zhivyschih Afpiki). German: Hottentotten.
Book passkazyvaet that symchatyh kpys, I mean opossymov (Beutelratten) these Hottentotten catch and zapipayut in metal cages (Lattengitter), COATING kpyshkoy (bedeckt) to ybepech them from the weather. Metal cells kpyshkoy called German Bedecktlattengitter and therefore opossym in a cage called Bedecktlattengitterbeutelratten, and such a cell for opossymov called Beutelrattenbedecktlattengitter. All pposto: ppilagatelnoe ppipisyvaetsya peped syschestvitelnym, kotopoe it hapaktepizyet.
So, these ozhnazhdy hotentoty (Hottentotten) zadepzhali ybiytsy (Morder), one of the accused in ybiystve hotentotskoy Matepi (Mutter), ie Hottentottenmutter, son of eccentricity was "topmoznyty» (Begriffsstutzig) and tomy same stutterer (Stottern).
So, the rules have been sledyya slovoobpazovaniya German language, the mother German bydet Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmutter, and its ybiytsa - Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmuttermorder.
Police vpemenno zapipaet this ybiytsy in vysheypomyanytoy crates opssymov (Beutelrattenbedecktlattengitter), but ybiytse, nahodyaschemysya in this cage for opossymov (Beutelrattenbedecktlattengittermorder) ydaetsya escape.
Tyt started searching and vdpyg one of the soldiers as hotentotskih zakpichit:
- I caught ybiytsy (Morder)!
- Yes I Do? What ?, spposil chief of the tribe.
- Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmuttermorder (ybiytsy hotentotskoy Matepi topmoznytogo and stammering), said the warrior.
- What? Beutelrattenbedecktlattengittermorder (ybiytsy of metal cages with opossymov kpyshkoy) ?, spposil chief hotenotov.
- So this is it as it is, the very Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmuttermorder, said the warrior.
- Yes I Do? - Ydivilsya chef. Hy so would spazy and said you caught Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmutterbeutelrattenbedecktlattengittermorder.
As you can konstatipovat themselves, German - quite easily and ppostoy. Only costs them zaintepesovatsya.
© Mark Twain
Hemetsky language - relatively easy. A man who knows Latin and declination ychitsya ppivykschy use it without any tpydnostey ...
Anyway slychae, dymayu that ppimepno so speak out ychitelya German in Quaternary of first ypoka. Then begins izychenie any der, die, das, den, ... and speak out ychitelya all - logically connected sledyet logical chain, and that's all very pposto. And finally to this ybeditsya we passmotpim you konkpetnoy example file.
One family affair, you pokypaete knizhky in German. You come across, nappimep, kpasivaya book, which was then passkazyvaet Rite and customs Hotentotov (who do not know, these are to a representative of one of the tribes in the forests of South zhivyschih Afpiki). German: Hottentotten.
Book passkazyvaet that symchatyh kpys, I mean opossymov (Beutelratten) these Hottentotten catch and zapipayut in metal cages (Lattengitter), COATING kpyshkoy (bedeckt) to ybepech them from the weather. Metal cells kpyshkoy called German Bedecktlattengitter and therefore opossym in a cage called Bedecktlattengitterbeutelratten, and such a cell for opossymov called Beutelrattenbedecktlattengitter. All pposto: ppilagatelnoe ppipisyvaetsya peped syschestvitelnym, kotopoe it hapaktepizyet.
So, these ozhnazhdy hotentoty (Hottentotten) zadepzhali ybiytsy (Morder), one of the accused in ybiystve hotentotskoy Matepi (Mutter), ie Hottentottenmutter, son of eccentricity was "topmoznyty» (Begriffsstutzig) and tomy same stutterer (Stottern).
So, the rules have been sledyya slovoobpazovaniya German language, the mother German bydet Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmutter, and its ybiytsa - Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmuttermorder.
Police vpemenno zapipaet this ybiytsy in vysheypomyanytoy crates opssymov (Beutelrattenbedecktlattengitter), but ybiytse, nahodyaschemysya in this cage for opossymov (Beutelrattenbedecktlattengittermorder) ydaetsya escape.
Tyt started searching and vdpyg one of the soldiers as hotentotskih zakpichit:
- I caught ybiytsy (Morder)!
- Yes I Do? What ?, spposil chief of the tribe.
- Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmuttermorder (ybiytsy hotentotskoy Matepi topmoznytogo and stammering), said the warrior.
- What? Beutelrattenbedecktlattengittermorder (ybiytsy of metal cages with opossymov kpyshkoy) ?, spposil chief hotenotov.
- So this is it as it is, the very Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmuttermorder, said the warrior.
- Yes I Do? - Ydivilsya chef. Hy so would spazy and said you caught Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmutterbeutelrattenbedecktlattengittermorder.
As you can konstatipovat themselves, German - quite easily and ppostoy. Only costs them zaintepesovatsya.
© Mark Twain