The boat knocked bathers during test drive
In the suburbs buyer yacht crushed to death 25-year-old girl, testing the ship before the deal.
57-year-old Sergei Marchenko, crush Woman Klyazma reservoir in the village of Pirogovo the Mytishchi district, the boat had to pokupkoy.Nezadolgo before the beaches in the area "Flagman" and "Dubrava" was a tragedy, businessman negotiated a solid deal. He was going to buy a boat "Azimut 50" for 700 thousand euros.
Before you decide to purchase, the man asked to take a test drive. He sat behind the wheel and decided to take a ride on the reservoir.
On reaching the spot where the beach was strewn with holidaymakers, Marchenko began to perform various maneuvers.
- It was clear he was trying to seem cool to all - eyewitness told Life News of the tragedy. - He spun in circles, braked sharply again picked up speed. And then someone asked him to do floating wave. He clocked a distance and went past the buoys.
Inexperienced Marchenko, it seems poorly managed boat. He miscalculated the distance and drove for the buoys, which is enclosed for swimming.
- At the last moment people unhooked from buoys and tried to sail away to the side. But one girl did not have time, screw it literally cut the legs, - told Life News witnesses the tragedy. - This bastard drove very close. First, the motor cut the rope on which hung the buoys and then boat ride on the poor girl.
All the guests on the beach were shocked by how calmly reacted to the driver of the vessel occurring.
4 photos via lifenews
- He stopped, looked around, and as soon as the water there were cries for help, picked up speed and disappeared, - told Life News witnesses.
25-year-old Olesya Ivanova has long struggled for their lives. According to witnesses, she called for help and rowed strenuously towards the shore.
- The men dragged her by the shoulders, and I tried to help them, - he told Life News eyewitness tragedy Eugene. - At first I did not understand what was going on. But it turned out that she did not have any legs! I began to look for her feet in the water ...
After Olesya drew to shore, she lived for another 30 minutes. However, arrived a quarter of an hour and the doctors could not stop the bleeding.
The culprit of the incident immediately disappeared. But after some time he was found and arrested. The employees of the investigation department at SU IC Mytishchi district of the Prosecutor of Moscow took with him an explanation and released.
2. On the yacht immediately erase all signs
3. After the tragedy of the beach closed "on cleaning day»
4. On the beach, where the tragedy occurred, swimming is prohibited
57-year-old Sergei Marchenko, crush Woman Klyazma reservoir in the village of Pirogovo the Mytishchi district, the boat had to pokupkoy.Nezadolgo before the beaches in the area "Flagman" and "Dubrava" was a tragedy, businessman negotiated a solid deal. He was going to buy a boat "Azimut 50" for 700 thousand euros.
Before you decide to purchase, the man asked to take a test drive. He sat behind the wheel and decided to take a ride on the reservoir.
On reaching the spot where the beach was strewn with holidaymakers, Marchenko began to perform various maneuvers.
- It was clear he was trying to seem cool to all - eyewitness told Life News of the tragedy. - He spun in circles, braked sharply again picked up speed. And then someone asked him to do floating wave. He clocked a distance and went past the buoys.
Inexperienced Marchenko, it seems poorly managed boat. He miscalculated the distance and drove for the buoys, which is enclosed for swimming.
- At the last moment people unhooked from buoys and tried to sail away to the side. But one girl did not have time, screw it literally cut the legs, - told Life News witnesses the tragedy. - This bastard drove very close. First, the motor cut the rope on which hung the buoys and then boat ride on the poor girl.
All the guests on the beach were shocked by how calmly reacted to the driver of the vessel occurring.
4 photos via lifenews

- He stopped, looked around, and as soon as the water there were cries for help, picked up speed and disappeared, - told Life News witnesses.
25-year-old Olesya Ivanova has long struggled for their lives. According to witnesses, she called for help and rowed strenuously towards the shore.
- The men dragged her by the shoulders, and I tried to help them, - he told Life News eyewitness tragedy Eugene. - At first I did not understand what was going on. But it turned out that she did not have any legs! I began to look for her feet in the water ...
After Olesya drew to shore, she lived for another 30 minutes. However, arrived a quarter of an hour and the doctors could not stop the bleeding.
The culprit of the incident immediately disappeared. But after some time he was found and arrested. The employees of the investigation department at SU IC Mytishchi district of the Prosecutor of Moscow took with him an explanation and released.
2. On the yacht immediately erase all signs

3. After the tragedy of the beach closed "on cleaning day»

4. On the beach, where the tragedy occurred, swimming is prohibited
