Prostitutes - "brand" working clothes
City Police Els Alamus bothered about traffic safety. And forced prostitutes standing in the way, wearing fluorescent jackets.
The official reason - to prevent road accidents outside the Catalan city. According to Spanish law, pedestrians on highways are required to wear them.
And God forgive me what no pedestrians? - That's pressed.
For refusing to wear "badges" - a fine of 40 euros.
It was fun to imagine the girls, say Leningradke in yellow outfit ))
2 photos via dailymail.co.uk
The official reason - to prevent road accidents outside the Catalan city. According to Spanish law, pedestrians on highways are required to wear them.
And God forgive me what no pedestrians? - That's pressed.
For refusing to wear "badges" - a fine of 40 euros.
It was fun to imagine the girls, say Leningradke in yellow outfit ))
2 photos via dailymail.co.uk