Total control: Bracelets for prisoners
In the Samara region it has begun testing the first domestic electronic bracelets for convicts. Prior to that we experimented with Israeli control devices, but domestic developments were much more efficient and, last but not least, cheaper than foreign analogues.
9 ph via svpressa
1. After three years of development in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "TSITOS" (g.Zhigulevsk Samara region) started the production of electronic bracelets for prisoners.
2. The electronic bracelet (mobile monitoring device) is able to provide information about the movements of its owner by sending a signal through the GLONASS.
3. Similar developments exist in other countries, but domestic developments, as shown by experiments, is much more efficient in their work and the cost is significantly lower overseas.
4. By decision of the inspector, those convicted of petty items will be serving his term at large, but with a bracelet on his leg, immediately informing the law enforcement authorities of the approach of the convicted to restricted areas, or about his attempts to remove the bracelet.
5. With this bracelet can keep and those sentenced to restriction, not imprisonment. The introduction of a tracking system using electronic bracelets is scheduled for 2011.
6. Replace the short term in prison at the bracelet will not for everyone. Due to the high responsibility of these electronic devices for the well-being of law-abiding citizens, bracelets are worn only by those who definitely will not attempt to do remove them, or to break again to break the law.
7. Electronic bracelet is filled with a charge of 120 microchips the size of 4x4 cm. The bracelet is a beacon, a couple of which provided work stationary or mobile control device.
8. It is interesting that in the production of the original development of the Russian scientists involved inmates from prison №10 Samara region. They sew covers and collect simple electronic components. But the production of all main circuits of devices, final assembly and testing of bracelets come in FSUE "TSITOS."
9. implementation of the bracelet in the Federal Budget for 2011 laid 4, 5 billion rubles.
9 ph via svpressa
1. After three years of development in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "TSITOS" (g.Zhigulevsk Samara region) started the production of electronic bracelets for prisoners.

2. The electronic bracelet (mobile monitoring device) is able to provide information about the movements of its owner by sending a signal through the GLONASS.

3. Similar developments exist in other countries, but domestic developments, as shown by experiments, is much more efficient in their work and the cost is significantly lower overseas.

4. By decision of the inspector, those convicted of petty items will be serving his term at large, but with a bracelet on his leg, immediately informing the law enforcement authorities of the approach of the convicted to restricted areas, or about his attempts to remove the bracelet.

5. With this bracelet can keep and those sentenced to restriction, not imprisonment. The introduction of a tracking system using electronic bracelets is scheduled for 2011.

6. Replace the short term in prison at the bracelet will not for everyone. Due to the high responsibility of these electronic devices for the well-being of law-abiding citizens, bracelets are worn only by those who definitely will not attempt to do remove them, or to break again to break the law.

7. Electronic bracelet is filled with a charge of 120 microchips the size of 4x4 cm. The bracelet is a beacon, a couple of which provided work stationary or mobile control device.

8. It is interesting that in the production of the original development of the Russian scientists involved inmates from prison №10 Samara region. They sew covers and collect simple electronic components. But the production of all main circuits of devices, final assembly and testing of bracelets come in FSUE "TSITOS."

9. implementation of the bracelet in the Federal Budget for 2011 laid 4, 5 billion rubles.
