Eugenia Volodina in the new issue of Ukrainian Harper's Bazaar
Russian top model - Eugene Volodin (which is part of the so-called "group of three V» - Volodin, Vodianova, Vyalitsyna - the most popular Russian models of the early 2000s), again appeared on the cover of gloss. This time Volodin graced the April cover of Harper's Bazaar Ukraine. Cover photo and the accompanying photo shoot became Federica Putelli.
Cover of Harper's Bazaar Ukraine
The main spring trends - ruffles on dresses and petals, delicate shades of cornflower blue, Hawaiian prints and folk motifs - fashion editors embodied in a photo shoot "Summer dreams" Eugenia Volodina. Above style bright and sexy image model worked Svetlana Marson, the fashion director of Harper's Bazaar Ukraine.
Backstage shooting:

Cover of Harper's Bazaar Ukraine
The main spring trends - ruffles on dresses and petals, delicate shades of cornflower blue, Hawaiian prints and folk motifs - fashion editors embodied in a photo shoot "Summer dreams" Eugenia Volodina. Above style bright and sexy image model worked Svetlana Marson, the fashion director of Harper's Bazaar Ukraine.
Backstage shooting:
The debut collection of bikinis from the popular fashion blogger Chiara Ferrand on sale now
Photos from Moscow tuning show.