Hobbies: Model ships and submarines
Dear friends! I have 3 years I read this wonderful forum, and today decided to register you! I offer you my first post. In this post we will talk about my little hobby, I recently became interested in model making! And your court exhibit my little work. Gallery is not much, the end will tell.
Let's start with the simplest model!
The submarines of Project 636 "Warszawianka" (NATO - Improved Kilo) - a class of multi-purpose diesel submarines. Export version of Project 877 "Halibut".
Home construction
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
the finished result
and nose
Next was: Heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" (Tarka) - nuclear missile cruiser Project 1144 "Orlan" Russia's Northern Fleet, located since 1999 in the modernization. Before 1992 he had the name "Kalinin".
Stages of construction: preparation of the deck.
Radar and other ...
Start-lifting device
Antenna and radar
superstructure mines
Preparing for installation
but this is the Start-lifting device
the finished result
the side
Next: Admiral Kuznetsov "(the former name - in the appropriate order -" Soviet Union "(draft)," Riga "(tab)," Leonid Brezhnev "(launching)," Tbilisi "(test)) - heavy Project 1143.5 aircraft carrier, the only one in the Russian Navy in its class (as of 2011). It is designed to engage large surface targets, protection of marine connections from attacks likely opponent.
deck and superstructure
Details are not very big, so work is very tedious ...
fitting aviation group on the deck
Paint thin work-thin arms deal)
Applying decals
Air group on the deck
To scale
To scale
from another angle
Well, from the deck
So in conclusion: "Bismarck" - the German Navy battleship, one of the most famous ships of World War II. Named after the first chancellor of the German Empire, Otto von Bismarck. During his only campaign in May 1941 sank in the Denmark Strait British flagship battlecruiser "Hood" (eng. HMS Hood). The outbreak then hunt for the British Navy "Bismarck" Three days later, it was over the sinking.
building not zapechitlil
and the result is in your court
Last !!!
Posted in [mergetime] 1309887987 [/ mergetime]
In fact thanks for your attention !!!
Let's start with the simplest model!
The submarines of Project 636 "Warszawianka" (NATO - Improved Kilo) - a class of multi-purpose diesel submarines. Export version of Project 877 "Halibut".
Home construction

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

the finished result

and nose

Next was: Heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" (Tarka) - nuclear missile cruiser Project 1144 "Orlan" Russia's Northern Fleet, located since 1999 in the modernization. Before 1992 he had the name "Kalinin".

Stages of construction: preparation of the deck.

Radar and other ...

Start-lifting device

Antenna and radar

superstructure mines

Preparing for installation

but this is the Start-lifting device

the finished result



the side

Next: Admiral Kuznetsov "(the former name - in the appropriate order -" Soviet Union "(draft)," Riga "(tab)," Leonid Brezhnev "(launching)," Tbilisi "(test)) - heavy Project 1143.5 aircraft carrier, the only one in the Russian Navy in its class (as of 2011). It is designed to engage large surface targets, protection of marine connections from attacks likely opponent.


deck and superstructure


Details are not very big, so work is very tedious ...

fitting aviation group on the deck


Paint thin work-thin arms deal)

Applying decals

Air group on the deck

To scale

To scale


from another angle



Well, from the deck

So in conclusion: "Bismarck" - the German Navy battleship, one of the most famous ships of World War II. Named after the first chancellor of the German Empire, Otto von Bismarck. During his only campaign in May 1941 sank in the Denmark Strait British flagship battlecruiser "Hood" (eng. HMS Hood). The outbreak then hunt for the British Navy "Bismarck" Three days later, it was over the sinking.

building not zapechitlil

and the result is in your court


Last !!!
Posted in [mergetime] 1309887987 [/ mergetime]
In fact thanks for your attention !!!
