Konstrolim knife
1.Gluboko Yapovtsy dear ... Let me introduce you the opus of blade manufacture. Who was named the tiger's tail-1 (why it will be clear later). Please do not kick mk doing this unprofessional and rarely, so when the hand well, very much scratched ... So get down, is not to forge a wedge well, no way, even with a very strong gain zhelanii.Poetomu blade, in this case, a wedge of A.Biryukova. TTX iron: steel forged stamps 110H18, length 120 mm, width at the base of 30 mm, thickness 2 mm butt, reduced to 0, 5 mm from the slopes obuha.Chto tells us about its potential good rezuchesti. A separate issue is long blade, IMHO that the length of the blade should not exceed 10 up to 12 centimeters, maybe, hunting and fishing in the regeneration of the camp and cooking food, or cutting production and cleaning of fish, more is not required, the length of it will be uncomfortable (saber potatoes horseradish brush your ) Referring talked (in my Finns) than an experienced hunter, the shorter blade.
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2. Now go to the choice of forms and materials of the handle ... Well here everything turned out very difficult and zaputano.iznachalno been purchased and stabilized derevyahi bolster, everything was prepared and abandoned ......... pigeonholed, cheto not poperlo.No year later at Hansa caught eye such material G10 (G-10 is a glass fiber epoxy resin and glass. G-10 has good strength properties, moisture resistance, and not flammable as mikarta. In addition, this material can be dyed in various colors, including and layers.), coloring Bengal Tiger (drawn from the legs grow from the name of a knife) and was immediately zakazan.Zabegaya ahead to say that the material is very funny, maybe, tactile and easy to handle is very pleasant, it does not require a dreary finishing, which for zh10 not maybe you want to become a pen skolzkaya.Tem so with a tree I was already working as a zh10 yet.
Posted in [mergetime] 1360965386 [/ mergetime]
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3.Berem and draw a bunch of sketches handle even modelirkem wax to check uhvatistosti.
4. To start doing so to adapt to the iron ... .brrrrrr on the vacuum cleaner, because you can die from a rolling pin suddenly wife gy.Esche gee, we need clamps, epoxy adhesive and engraver
5. To improve weight distribution Cut down a bit hvostvik, do the shank retention nasechki.I proceed to cutting out the bed in the plates under zh10 shank.
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6.Takzhe do internal or hidden pins to enhance the design of the handle in the amount of 3 pieces.
7.Vse try on, collect, dismantle, degreasing, gluing collect, hold and forget for a day.
8.Ostalos garbage, cut the excess from the workpiece until rukoyatki.Tut it turned out that everything is not cut off as planned, but as a soul wanted to, well, about the concept name nozha.Razvesovka turned gud, right on the index finger.
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9.Perehodim to nozhnam.Tut decided to use too new to the material under the moniker kaydeks (Kydex ® - extremely durable thermoplastic extruded sheets to withstand the level of impact from mild to extreme. Available range of products for optimal long life, appearance, for optimize long-term effectiveness, economic efficiency, depending on the requirements and the final application.) For this we need a thermoplastic paralon (which successfully acquire the Hanse) .Konstrolim primitive paralon of press, cutting boards and strubtsin.Razmechaem sheet and do shape under klipsu.I We begin to warm it in the oven until tender thereof, most importantly do not overheat, and then a sheet skukozhivaetya and loses its shape, from the first time that I have safely and sdelal.V gloves !!! sure, take out the sheets uladyvaem the press and tighten clamps, an unsuccessful return forming sheets in the oven and they miraculously raspremlyayutya, I returned three times, all in the end perevel.Chut kaydeks not forgotten the knife have to wrap masking skochem.Kaydeks very smelly and dusty in treatment, skin is much more pleasant to work ...
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10.Stavim eyelets, Crop, customize, try on, sawing, drilling, sticking ... .vualya sheath ready, all inputs and outputs.
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11.Perehodim to Lansky sharpening taking out favorite ...... and go into a meditative nirvana because the process is long and requires no suety.Itog paper cuts, shaves his hair.
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12.Provereno island !!! Be careful !!!
13.Grupovoe photos with friends.
14.Nozh transmitted to the kitchens, grocery hard skid wife to spring hunting, which will be carried out field or ispytaniya.Vsem Good luck nor tail nor scales, nor any gvozdya.Spasibo rod for vnimanie.Taburetkami kidates silno.Est vprosy no answer. all the while with respect dok75.

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2. Now go to the choice of forms and materials of the handle ... Well here everything turned out very difficult and zaputano.iznachalno been purchased and stabilized derevyahi bolster, everything was prepared and abandoned ......... pigeonholed, cheto not poperlo.No year later at Hansa caught eye such material G10 (G-10 is a glass fiber epoxy resin and glass. G-10 has good strength properties, moisture resistance, and not flammable as mikarta. In addition, this material can be dyed in various colors, including and layers.), coloring Bengal Tiger (drawn from the legs grow from the name of a knife) and was immediately zakazan.Zabegaya ahead to say that the material is very funny, maybe, tactile and easy to handle is very pleasant, it does not require a dreary finishing, which for zh10 not maybe you want to become a pen skolzkaya.Tem so with a tree I was already working as a zh10 yet.
Posted in [mergetime] 1360965386 [/ mergetime]
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3.Berem and draw a bunch of sketches handle even modelirkem wax to check uhvatistosti.



4. To start doing so to adapt to the iron ... .brrrrrr on the vacuum cleaner, because you can die from a rolling pin suddenly wife gy.Esche gee, we need clamps, epoxy adhesive and engraver

5. To improve weight distribution Cut down a bit hvostvik, do the shank retention nasechki.I proceed to cutting out the bed in the plates under zh10 shank.

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6.Takzhe do internal or hidden pins to enhance the design of the handle in the amount of 3 pieces.

7.Vse try on, collect, dismantle, degreasing, gluing collect, hold and forget for a day.

8.Ostalos garbage, cut the excess from the workpiece until rukoyatki.Tut it turned out that everything is not cut off as planned, but as a soul wanted to, well, about the concept name nozha.Razvesovka turned gud, right on the index finger.

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9.Perehodim to nozhnam.Tut decided to use too new to the material under the moniker kaydeks (Kydex ® - extremely durable thermoplastic extruded sheets to withstand the level of impact from mild to extreme. Available range of products for optimal long life, appearance, for optimize long-term effectiveness, economic efficiency, depending on the requirements and the final application.) For this we need a thermoplastic paralon (which successfully acquire the Hanse) .Konstrolim primitive paralon of press, cutting boards and strubtsin.Razmechaem sheet and do shape under klipsu.I We begin to warm it in the oven until tender thereof, most importantly do not overheat, and then a sheet skukozhivaetya and loses its shape, from the first time that I have safely and sdelal.V gloves !!! sure, take out the sheets uladyvaem the press and tighten clamps, an unsuccessful return forming sheets in the oven and they miraculously raspremlyayutya, I returned three times, all in the end perevel.Chut kaydeks not forgotten the knife have to wrap masking skochem.Kaydeks very smelly and dusty in treatment, skin is much more pleasant to work ...

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10.Stavim eyelets, Crop, customize, try on, sawing, drilling, sticking ... .vualya sheath ready, all inputs and outputs.

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11.Perehodim to Lansky sharpening taking out favorite ...... and go into a meditative nirvana because the process is long and requires no suety.Itog paper cuts, shaves his hair.

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12.Provereno island !!! Be careful !!!

13.Grupovoe photos with friends.

14.Nozh transmitted to the kitchens, grocery hard skid wife to spring hunting, which will be carried out field or ispytaniya.Vsem Good luck nor tail nor scales, nor any gvozdya.Spasibo rod for vnimanie.Taburetkami kidates silno.Est vprosy no answer. all the while with respect dok75.
