Digital boat.

My friends in the spring of 2013 the guys left to do high-precision robot 3D-printer in the United States with the support of NASA. They say that in Russian corporate law inconvenient, it is impossible to bring components through customs and to attract investments to the normal conditions by competent people. The Americans immediately seized on the idea and they offered very favorable conditions.

This is not the first nor the last start, which leaves virtually no Russian, but really. Hence

For a long time Russia and China are the two countries where the big players like Google or Facebook encountered serious difficulties. If China arm the local players to play online censorship and a very special mentality of the population, the success of the Russian national projects has been provided a good scientific and technical potential and the fact that the state has not climbed in the Internet industry before the end of zero. And, accordingly, it did not prevent the free market. But in 2010, things began to change.

Despite the fact that the Russian authorities even in 2009 announced the modernization of the most important area of ​​internal policies and emphasize it, year after year, everything goes to the fact that the "modernization" will soon be engaged in only popilochnye startups and cheers activists on government funding. A significant part of the Internet start-ups in recent years, once focused on the world market, and, in addition to the nationality of the founders, with Russian nothing in common. Other earn in Russia, but in fact the company is entirely abroad. Gradually this trend includes not only Internet users but also those who do start-ups in other areas.

After the defeat in the "Skolkovo" and ugly history with the criminal case of Pavel Durov and sudden purchase of a controlling stake "VKontakte", even the most inveterate optimists thinking what to do next. Those who were less optimistic, have started to prepare alternate aerodromes back in 2011.

Hosted abroad, many began to make even the winter of 2011. A year ago, July 28, 2012, the Federal Law №139-FZ. This law has been submitted to other federal laws, a number of provisions that make it possible to filter sites by black list of banned sites and block. While experts decide whether to apply this novel for Internet censorship, website owners and startups massively explore overseas hosting.

As a result, the law hung lock function on providers and hosters sort of stayed at anything, but a significant portion of Internet projects acquired backup sites in Europe and in the United States. In addition, the prices there were lower than in Russia, and the service is better. By 2013, many large European hosters suddenly brought Russian language support. At the same time spoke Russian and representatives of major registrars. Internet users began to massively register domains - the main, or at least reserve - in zones com, me, tv or a net. Just keep track of the figures in the hosting and domain no real possibility, but I'm very much in touch with the representatives of both large Internet companies and investors and startups, and as one confirmed my observations.

What connects Internet company with a particular country other than hosting and domain? Legal entity and address of the head-office. Legal entities previously registered in the British Virgin Islands or Cyprus, because the law there allows you to take better account of the interests of the founders and investors. "Yandex" is registered in the Netherlands, - Cyprus and "VKontakte" has company in the BVI.

Smaller companies typically are structured abroad during the first round of investment. Now, many start-ups that do not have, it would seem necessary in a complex shareholders' agreement, once registered in the BVI, the Netherlands, Luxembourg or Cyprus (although after shearing deposits in local banks in popularity recently dropped).

After a lot of assets and developments were out of Russia in the next year or two is expected next wave - the exodus of the founders and developers. I doubt that it comes to the "digital ship"? Pay attention to the very attractive program for the issuance of visas talented start-up businesses from abroad - the US, Canada, France and many other countries. Fish is looking for where it is deeper, and business - where it is more convenient and safer. And if before the top managers of "Yandex" was told that they have to compete for the best employees not with Google, but with the United States, will soon seem a problem in Russia is not at all.

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