12 facts about the 2nd World
The first German soldier was killed by the Japanese (China, 1937, ok, I know technically it long before the invasion of Poland, but still cool), the first American soldier was killed by Soviet soldiers (Finland, 1940). The most high-ranking victim of the Americans was Lieutenant General Leslie McNair - killed by the US Air Force.
Continued under the cut ...
2. The youngest American sailor was 12-year-old Calvin Graham. After being wounded, he was dismissed from the army "disgrace" (ugolovka) due to the fact that lied about his age. Restored in rank, with all the accompanying decision of the Congress of benefits.
3. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Navy took control of the title CINCUS (pronounced "drown us"), on the chevron American soldiers of the 45th Infantry Division was a swastika and Hitler's personal train was called "America." All three were soon changed for PR.
4. The US Air Force lost more soldiers than the US Marines. At the end of the mandatory 30-departures, the chances of a pilot killed is 71%.
5. There was no concept of the "average driver". There were only aces and target. For example, the Japanese ace Hiroeshi Nishizawa shot down 80 enemy aircraft. He was killed while flying a passenger in the cargo hold of the aircraft.
6. In one period, the pilots became popular to equip every 5th cartridge tracer for identifying the direction of the fire. Big mistake. Tracers have different ballistics, so if they hit the target - which meant that 80% bullets flew wide of the goal. And what is even worse - the enemy saw that shot at him, and where is the fire. And the biggest mistake had been charged multiple tracers at the end of the tape to show the pilot that he had run out of ammo, as it is also seen and enemy pilots. Divisions renounce the use of tracers immediately doubled the number of downed aircraft and reduced its losses.
7. When the Allies reached the Rhine - the first thing they urinated into it. ALL. Natsinaya from the ordinary, ending Churchill staged this whole show, and General Patton, pictured in the photograph.
8. German ME-264 bombers were bombed by the state of New York, however, the German command decided that it was not worth the effort.
9. The German submarine U-120 sank due sboynuvshego latrine.
10. One of the first "Germans" captured by the Americans in Normandy were slightly Koreans. They were called from Korea to the Japanese army, they were captured by the Red Army and eventually otprvilis fight in the west, which were captured by the Germans, otpravimshim them to fight in Normandy. (I'm very curious to see the source)
Massirovannnogo 11. After the shelling, 35 thousands of American and Canadian soldiers landed on the island of cancer, Aleutian group. In the process of landing and the battle killed 21 soldiers. The loss would have been much greater if the island had at least one Japanese :)
12. The last US Marines officially dead in the 2nd World War, died of corned beef. He was in a Japanese prisoner of war camp, when an American plane with rescuers were dropped food and equipment. One of the pallets in the air and broke the fighter got in his head can of Spam.
I would not venture to say that all this - the truth;)
© Menagerie
Continued under the cut ...

2. The youngest American sailor was 12-year-old Calvin Graham. After being wounded, he was dismissed from the army "disgrace" (ugolovka) due to the fact that lied about his age. Restored in rank, with all the accompanying decision of the Congress of benefits.
3. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Navy took control of the title CINCUS (pronounced "drown us"), on the chevron American soldiers of the 45th Infantry Division was a swastika and Hitler's personal train was called "America." All three were soon changed for PR.
4. The US Air Force lost more soldiers than the US Marines. At the end of the mandatory 30-departures, the chances of a pilot killed is 71%.
5. There was no concept of the "average driver". There were only aces and target. For example, the Japanese ace Hiroeshi Nishizawa shot down 80 enemy aircraft. He was killed while flying a passenger in the cargo hold of the aircraft.
6. In one period, the pilots became popular to equip every 5th cartridge tracer for identifying the direction of the fire. Big mistake. Tracers have different ballistics, so if they hit the target - which meant that 80% bullets flew wide of the goal. And what is even worse - the enemy saw that shot at him, and where is the fire. And the biggest mistake had been charged multiple tracers at the end of the tape to show the pilot that he had run out of ammo, as it is also seen and enemy pilots. Divisions renounce the use of tracers immediately doubled the number of downed aircraft and reduced its losses.
7. When the Allies reached the Rhine - the first thing they urinated into it. ALL. Natsinaya from the ordinary, ending Churchill staged this whole show, and General Patton, pictured in the photograph.
8. German ME-264 bombers were bombed by the state of New York, however, the German command decided that it was not worth the effort.
9. The German submarine U-120 sank due sboynuvshego latrine.
10. One of the first "Germans" captured by the Americans in Normandy were slightly Koreans. They were called from Korea to the Japanese army, they were captured by the Red Army and eventually otprvilis fight in the west, which were captured by the Germans, otpravimshim them to fight in Normandy. (I'm very curious to see the source)
Massirovannnogo 11. After the shelling, 35 thousands of American and Canadian soldiers landed on the island of cancer, Aleutian group. In the process of landing and the battle killed 21 soldiers. The loss would have been much greater if the island had at least one Japanese :)
12. The last US Marines officially dead in the 2nd World War, died of corned beef. He was in a Japanese prisoner of war camp, when an American plane with rescuers were dropped food and equipment. One of the pallets in the air and broke the fighter got in his head can of Spam.
I would not venture to say that all this - the truth;)
© Menagerie