Taiga pilot.
And again ... And again Ershov not accidental.
I read all the "Taiga", and rolled forward. All because so familiar, and now that at the moment takes you in those taiga given where only plane now and you can ... Although Vasily tells Yenisei expanses of Stony where I also visited, but today I wanted to once again return to the " My "North, Archangel ... After all, what he wrote in his memoirs about the flights on the An-2 in the forest with a precision fit is not only about the flights in Siberia, but also about any northern flights of our great country ...
Thank you for these stories! For those who flew on these humble workers of Severo, it is not just a line, it's part of life. Well, your best lines I did not tell you about these flights, they will use again and ...
19 photos + text.
Reliable ... AN-2 was his peasant simplicity. He was unpretentious, not pamper careful hangar storage, and endured the heat and cold, rain and turbulence, slowly, with caution, tolerate overloading and icing, grunting, endured inept young explorers landing sky.
Of course, he pulled his solid, proven even at the front of the engine: nine-"star" air cooling, a thousand horses. Easy to start, easy to operate, he always was shaking, but firmly tugged on duralumin rattletrap boundless taiga, rumbles like a tractor and filling the cabin, and the hearts of young enthusiastic drivers tremor flight ...
... As you can fly a single-engine plane over taiga, surprised civilized foreign countries, and in their flight rules introduced cowardly, reinsurance limits, saying that there should be a single-engine airplane for more than nine (why nine?) Passengers! That should not be - and everything. Nine - safe, but ten - is in any frame does not climb. They counted there ...
... And we spit on their rules and fly on their own. It was a single-engine Antonov-2 is always legitimate seats twelve and twelve safely entrust their lives to the two boys, without asking, do not hesitate and do not shake. God willing - could reach. And came the ...
... And along with them, in the passage, curled into a ball and customary closing nose ring tail, lay quietly red Baikit huskies, those that a squirrel and sable, and harness, and a bear. And the goat was on his knees, face into the hostess skirt. Shrieking in a bag by the door piglets were at the rear of the frame kamusnye hunting skis sticking out of backpacks trunks disassembled rifles, red Old Believers beard glued to the round porthole - life flying forward pasted canvas wings, raced over the boundless smooth sea frosty tridtsatimetrovoy fir trees, above which sometimes suddenly bulging green explosion in the sky a mighty peak of hero-cedar ...
... It was a real flight. There was no autopilot, steering wheel and was almost like a bicycle wheel, of curving tube through which passed trembling trembling on the handlebars flow. And compressing it, the pilot flew over the space above the tops of the rivers and gorushkami watching how quickly a delightfully floats under the wing of a beautiful land on top.
... There is no better feeling of flying than flying at low speed over the treetops. Each of us felt like a giant, rose above all the ground and seeing beyond the horizon something that never see the earth person ...
... Sometimes in flight in the cockpit, from below, from behind, suddenly appeared bearded, timidly, begging face, "but you can?»
Of course you can! We have been supportive, we have been generous: on! enjoy! look! admire!
And the man pushed his way to the top, we, rested his shoulders in the sidewall doors, eyes light up, delighted with - and grateful. And what should the pilot to complete happiness - to fly, and the man show gratitude to receive and feel its necessity and divinity in flight ...
... I - celestial, it is familiar to me easily, I'm needed here. Going down to you from the sky, I'm taking Hope: now there will be a flight, and the space is reduced and melted, and will be meeting. And you, and you, and he is - all you will see native eyes. And the goat will jump and run for the mistress and the dog zakuvyrkayutsya and Hall under the wing, stretching after a busy shaking tightness iron box, and the man will keep on screaming bag departure from the current stream ... Good! And for that I live in this world ...
... There has never been inspected, scanners undressing. Yet to kill time in storage, there was no strict rules for the transport of arms and ammunition; to transport the animals did not need any reference. It was a normal human life. Sterile Domestos had not been invented, and the harmony between man and nature is not destroyed incomprehensible healthy people overseas requirements, the introduction of the civilized countries of the sick ...
... In the village landing sites equipped only striped cone wind direction so as striped tables in the corners, plagued animals that free access to the sacred territory of the airfield was considered quite a natural phenomenon. The aircraft usually fall from the sky at once, and who it will be pre-drive beast.
In the upper-Kem we always interfered Konyaga bay, runs out to the airfield after landing and snoring kept fidgeting around the aircraft. Ran after starting the engine for a short distance, his eyes bulge trotter and raced across the path of our taxi. Turning to take off, we followed, where he will carry traits. Unclean usually drove a horse along the strip, with the mandatory rotation of the screw us at the beginning of the takeoff.
Trying to ward off the animal missile has led to the horse at all mad with fright and began to wind circles around the court.
Then, too, enraged with anger commander gunned and shouting "hacked!" Was chasing a stallion. I had to do three laps around the court until foamy horse did not run away away. We immediately turned around and flew back course ...
... Lovely piston engine AL-62 was air-cooled, its cylinders, or as we affectionately called them, "pots", and the stars, cooled by ram air as a motorcycle. It was very convenient to prepare for the launch in a northern cold: heating icy parked motor does not require bulky devices, no need to boil the water, both by car, it was enough to cover the engine with a cotton cover, and pick the bottom sleeve of hot air from a gasoline stove ... < br />
... Siberian taiga necessary once seen from an airplane. And then they fade, skukozhatsya, themselves once come to naught greasy, crackling professional spell, so to speak, conservationists ...
… Children! Your anxiety that people destroy the Earth, maybe justified, even I'm sure they are well-grounded - but after an eight-hour flight over the endless, boundless, monotonous, tedious taiga landscape begin to understand: yes, of course, a huge healthy Earth's body found pimples, sores, scratches, scratches ... but what is minor compared with the pristine, unspoiled, vast area of taiga!
Ulcers and ditching - our big cities. The town with a population of over a million people - the Earth has an abscess full of pus. Its inhabitants have grown up in a stuffy, dusty, unhealthy atmosphere had never seen one this, uncombed nature, where townspeople do not turn up without vial repellent - that nature, living in which people sweat and stink, and do not feel protected ... but which they so ardently defend itself from such. Those lands, where there is no cellular communications where cherry treat diarrhea, and cold - bath, where human rights are initially determined the severity of survival.
And there, in perfect harmony with the surrounding world, lives far from a small part of our people, and certainly not the worst part ...
... I'm flying over the net, frozen in equilibrium and peace Siberian winter ground. Rare swept under the roof of the village are almost invisible in the glare of the snow, and only smoke plumes, spread a veil, a prominent place of human habitation.
Closer to the city hangs opaque haze. As through a glass darkly, in front of the snow-white area of woods and fields, appears gray circle above it the pillars of gray smoke down gray buildings, gray streets, they swarmed gray traffic. The closer to the center, the more clearly felt a heavy sulfur smell of the city, ulcers Earth.
A top - pure, clear sky, free breathing, primeval peace and quiet.
I endure is messy assemblage of buildings at the bottom, it swims, and will be left behind, and a gray blur disappear in the vast expanses of the taiga, and whiteness of winter.
Taiga winter gray. If you fly low, clearly visible frosty green majestic and strict spruce, golden pine trunks mast boron accumulated snow on the feet of cedar, nudity sleeping birch and aspen. The higher you rise above this stagnation in the world trembling purity, the brighter and softer clothes seem forest planets, and fancies that the kingdom of Santa Claus will sleep deep sleep until the spring ...
/V.V. Yershov - Taiga pilot /
p.s. Lubov, thank you for everything! ...
For me, remembering appointments with you forever linked with the North, with the taiga and ... with An-2)
And although I know that you are still there, not only the Internet but also the human telephony still believe that one day you read these lines, and the more I do not need) And God forbid you health and long !
I read all the "Taiga", and rolled forward. All because so familiar, and now that at the moment takes you in those taiga given where only plane now and you can ... Although Vasily tells Yenisei expanses of Stony where I also visited, but today I wanted to once again return to the " My "North, Archangel ... After all, what he wrote in his memoirs about the flights on the An-2 in the forest with a precision fit is not only about the flights in Siberia, but also about any northern flights of our great country ...
Thank you for these stories! For those who flew on these humble workers of Severo, it is not just a line, it's part of life. Well, your best lines I did not tell you about these flights, they will use again and ...
19 photos + text.

Reliable ... AN-2 was his peasant simplicity. He was unpretentious, not pamper careful hangar storage, and endured the heat and cold, rain and turbulence, slowly, with caution, tolerate overloading and icing, grunting, endured inept young explorers landing sky.
Of course, he pulled his solid, proven even at the front of the engine: nine-"star" air cooling, a thousand horses. Easy to start, easy to operate, he always was shaking, but firmly tugged on duralumin rattletrap boundless taiga, rumbles like a tractor and filling the cabin, and the hearts of young enthusiastic drivers tremor flight ...

... As you can fly a single-engine plane over taiga, surprised civilized foreign countries, and in their flight rules introduced cowardly, reinsurance limits, saying that there should be a single-engine airplane for more than nine (why nine?) Passengers! That should not be - and everything. Nine - safe, but ten - is in any frame does not climb. They counted there ...

... And we spit on their rules and fly on their own. It was a single-engine Antonov-2 is always legitimate seats twelve and twelve safely entrust their lives to the two boys, without asking, do not hesitate and do not shake. God willing - could reach. And came the ...

... And along with them, in the passage, curled into a ball and customary closing nose ring tail, lay quietly red Baikit huskies, those that a squirrel and sable, and harness, and a bear. And the goat was on his knees, face into the hostess skirt. Shrieking in a bag by the door piglets were at the rear of the frame kamusnye hunting skis sticking out of backpacks trunks disassembled rifles, red Old Believers beard glued to the round porthole - life flying forward pasted canvas wings, raced over the boundless smooth sea frosty tridtsatimetrovoy fir trees, above which sometimes suddenly bulging green explosion in the sky a mighty peak of hero-cedar ...

... It was a real flight. There was no autopilot, steering wheel and was almost like a bicycle wheel, of curving tube through which passed trembling trembling on the handlebars flow. And compressing it, the pilot flew over the space above the tops of the rivers and gorushkami watching how quickly a delightfully floats under the wing of a beautiful land on top.

... There is no better feeling of flying than flying at low speed over the treetops. Each of us felt like a giant, rose above all the ground and seeing beyond the horizon something that never see the earth person ...

... Sometimes in flight in the cockpit, from below, from behind, suddenly appeared bearded, timidly, begging face, "but you can?»
Of course you can! We have been supportive, we have been generous: on! enjoy! look! admire!

And the man pushed his way to the top, we, rested his shoulders in the sidewall doors, eyes light up, delighted with - and grateful. And what should the pilot to complete happiness - to fly, and the man show gratitude to receive and feel its necessity and divinity in flight ...

... I - celestial, it is familiar to me easily, I'm needed here. Going down to you from the sky, I'm taking Hope: now there will be a flight, and the space is reduced and melted, and will be meeting. And you, and you, and he is - all you will see native eyes. And the goat will jump and run for the mistress and the dog zakuvyrkayutsya and Hall under the wing, stretching after a busy shaking tightness iron box, and the man will keep on screaming bag departure from the current stream ... Good! And for that I live in this world ...

... There has never been inspected, scanners undressing. Yet to kill time in storage, there was no strict rules for the transport of arms and ammunition; to transport the animals did not need any reference. It was a normal human life. Sterile Domestos had not been invented, and the harmony between man and nature is not destroyed incomprehensible healthy people overseas requirements, the introduction of the civilized countries of the sick ...

... In the village landing sites equipped only striped cone wind direction so as striped tables in the corners, plagued animals that free access to the sacred territory of the airfield was considered quite a natural phenomenon. The aircraft usually fall from the sky at once, and who it will be pre-drive beast.

In the upper-Kem we always interfered Konyaga bay, runs out to the airfield after landing and snoring kept fidgeting around the aircraft. Ran after starting the engine for a short distance, his eyes bulge trotter and raced across the path of our taxi. Turning to take off, we followed, where he will carry traits. Unclean usually drove a horse along the strip, with the mandatory rotation of the screw us at the beginning of the takeoff.
Trying to ward off the animal missile has led to the horse at all mad with fright and began to wind circles around the court.
Then, too, enraged with anger commander gunned and shouting "hacked!" Was chasing a stallion. I had to do three laps around the court until foamy horse did not run away away. We immediately turned around and flew back course ...

... Lovely piston engine AL-62 was air-cooled, its cylinders, or as we affectionately called them, "pots", and the stars, cooled by ram air as a motorcycle. It was very convenient to prepare for the launch in a northern cold: heating icy parked motor does not require bulky devices, no need to boil the water, both by car, it was enough to cover the engine with a cotton cover, and pick the bottom sleeve of hot air from a gasoline stove ... < br />

... Siberian taiga necessary once seen from an airplane. And then they fade, skukozhatsya, themselves once come to naught greasy, crackling professional spell, so to speak, conservationists ...

… Children! Your anxiety that people destroy the Earth, maybe justified, even I'm sure they are well-grounded - but after an eight-hour flight over the endless, boundless, monotonous, tedious taiga landscape begin to understand: yes, of course, a huge healthy Earth's body found pimples, sores, scratches, scratches ... but what is minor compared with the pristine, unspoiled, vast area of taiga!
Ulcers and ditching - our big cities. The town with a population of over a million people - the Earth has an abscess full of pus. Its inhabitants have grown up in a stuffy, dusty, unhealthy atmosphere had never seen one this, uncombed nature, where townspeople do not turn up without vial repellent - that nature, living in which people sweat and stink, and do not feel protected ... but which they so ardently defend itself from such. Those lands, where there is no cellular communications where cherry treat diarrhea, and cold - bath, where human rights are initially determined the severity of survival.
And there, in perfect harmony with the surrounding world, lives far from a small part of our people, and certainly not the worst part ...

... I'm flying over the net, frozen in equilibrium and peace Siberian winter ground. Rare swept under the roof of the village are almost invisible in the glare of the snow, and only smoke plumes, spread a veil, a prominent place of human habitation.

Closer to the city hangs opaque haze. As through a glass darkly, in front of the snow-white area of woods and fields, appears gray circle above it the pillars of gray smoke down gray buildings, gray streets, they swarmed gray traffic. The closer to the center, the more clearly felt a heavy sulfur smell of the city, ulcers Earth.
A top - pure, clear sky, free breathing, primeval peace and quiet.
I endure is messy assemblage of buildings at the bottom, it swims, and will be left behind, and a gray blur disappear in the vast expanses of the taiga, and whiteness of winter.
Taiga winter gray. If you fly low, clearly visible frosty green majestic and strict spruce, golden pine trunks mast boron accumulated snow on the feet of cedar, nudity sleeping birch and aspen. The higher you rise above this stagnation in the world trembling purity, the brighter and softer clothes seem forest planets, and fancies that the kingdom of Santa Claus will sleep deep sleep until the spring ...
/V.V. Yershov - Taiga pilot /

p.s. Lubov, thank you for everything! ...
For me, remembering appointments with you forever linked with the North, with the taiga and ... with An-2)
And although I know that you are still there, not only the Internet but also the human telephony still believe that one day you read these lines, and the more I do not need) And God forbid you health and long !
