CubeStormer 3 collects "Rubik's Cube" for 3 seconds

To be precise, over 3, 253 seconds. Needless to no man is able to boast of such a result. More or less similar record belongs predecessor CubeStormer 3 -, respectively, CubeStormer 2, which gathered "cube" in just 5, 35 seconds . By the way, before this record belonged to the same person, gollandsu Matsu Valya, who solved this problem in just 5, 5 seconds. I honestly do not know how much it takes to train - 5, 5 seconds, I did that a couple of faces will turn more or less meaningful :)
For greater entertainment attempt to set a world record was made robot CubeStormer 3 at the festival The Big Bang Fair in Birmingham, March 15.
To work with the "cube", the authors project provided four manipulator, which were collected from the designer Lego Mindstorm EV3. Responsible for processing the data smartphone Samsung Galaxy S4 with eight cores.
Every action is accompanied by a photo of the robot (photographs smartphone camera), which then use the smartphone and processed. On the basis of the data obtained is formed a solution that and realize "hands".
According to the developers, their project has not yet reached the limits of the possible, and in the future we plan to beat his own record.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/216121/