Rescued swans released into the river
Uploaded by: Alexander
This event is our photojournalist recorded homeland Shakespeare in Stratford, England. Swan took the bait fish. Thanks to the rapid intervention of people, it fortunately managed to save.
You can see how the vet calms the bird before surgery and trying to determine where the fish hook stuck. Then hook with a piece of fishing line detached successfully recovered from the throat of a wounded bird.
Rescued swans released into the river and fed. As well, when there is nothing stopping a deep breath and spread your wings!
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Source: www.tsvetnik.info
This event is our photojournalist recorded homeland Shakespeare in Stratford, England. Swan took the bait fish. Thanks to the rapid intervention of people, it fortunately managed to save.
You can see how the vet calms the bird before surgery and trying to determine where the fish hook stuck. Then hook with a piece of fishing line detached successfully recovered from the throat of a wounded bird.
Rescued swans released into the river and fed. As well, when there is nothing stopping a deep breath and spread your wings!
Photos of unusual events can be sent through our form adding news. Thank you!
Source: www.tsvetnik.info