Einstein doubted his theory of the Big Bang

Scientific Institute of Technology, Waterford (Ireland) found anyone previously unknown manuscript of Einstein. Discovered manuscript makes it clear that Einstein doubted his theory of relativity and the Big Bang, scientists are working on an alternative model stationary universe.

In 1948, a similar theory developed by Hoyle, Bondi and Gold. Scientists have claimed that as distant galaxies apart and expansion of the universe between galaxies permanently there is a new matter. Stars and galaxies are built in the freed space by forming more complex elements of the elementary particles, which appear spontaneously. Until the end of the 60s in the scientific world, this idea was quite popular until it was discovered important today confirmation of the Big Bang - реликтовое radiation .
Physicist Cormac O'Rayfirtay considered manuscripts from the archive Alberta Eynsheyna that were laid out in the public domain in Jerusalem. Scientist drew attention to one document, written in German, which was considered a draft copy of another work of Einstein. Researcher almost fell off the chair, he said, when he realized what actually this manuscript.

It is assumed that Einstein wrote the manuscript during a trip to California in 1931. In it the scientist pondered the possibility of the formation of new particles of matter to maintain the density much earlier Hoyle and his colleagues. Einstein suggested that this version of the model can take place within the framework of his original theory. However, the corrections made by a pen of a different color, indicate that later physicist found an error in the calculations and decided to abandon this theory.

More to the analysis of the manuscript can be found in the English pdf-версии article Irish researcher.

Source: habrahabr.ru/post/213893/