Most wavy bridge in the world
In 2008, Singapore has appeared amazing building that looks like a giant yellow snake intricately bent his body. This bridge "Waves Handersona" joint development specialists of the two countries - England and Singapore. The bridge has received the title of not only the highest but also the most beautiful pedestrian bridge in the world.
1. In order to finish the bridge is used only tree ball, which grows on the territory of South-East Asia. Its wood has a beautiful yellow color, has a high wear resistance, well tolerate high temperatures and high humidity.
2. Basis of the bridge - curved steel ribs. They alternately rise like waves of the sea.
3. In the niches of the lateral bends tourists can enjoy comfortable benches and chairs, designed for a comfortable stay in the lap of nature. It offers an unusually beautiful views of the city.
4. More often than not on the bridge can be seen married couples with children, honeymooners, guests take pictures, joggers and, of course, tourists.
5. Especially beautiful bridge in the night, when turned on LED lighting. It creates a whimsical play of shadows and glare.
6. Those who are lucky enough to see the bridge at dawn, say it is an unforgettable magnificent sight - the first rays of the sun timidly touch and light smooth curves giant yellow snake.
1. In order to finish the bridge is used only tree ball, which grows on the territory of South-East Asia. Its wood has a beautiful yellow color, has a high wear resistance, well tolerate high temperatures and high humidity.

2. Basis of the bridge - curved steel ribs. They alternately rise like waves of the sea.

3. In the niches of the lateral bends tourists can enjoy comfortable benches and chairs, designed for a comfortable stay in the lap of nature. It offers an unusually beautiful views of the city.

4. More often than not on the bridge can be seen married couples with children, honeymooners, guests take pictures, joggers and, of course, tourists.

5. Especially beautiful bridge in the night, when turned on LED lighting. It creates a whimsical play of shadows and glare.

6. Those who are lucky enough to see the bridge at dawn, say it is an unforgettable magnificent sight - the first rays of the sun timidly touch and light smooth curves giant yellow snake.

