Falcon on alternative fuel

search for alternative fuel sources affected not only cars. In late October, the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) conducted joint testing of jet aircraft Dassault Falcon 20 to 100 per cent biofuel. Earlier winged cars managed to climb into the sky only a mixture of ordinary and biofuels. The fuel is made from one of the varieties of canola with the sonorous name "Abyssinian cabbage", grown on the Canadian fields. There can not be - the taste disgusting, and acts as a laxative - but just right for industrial use. Biofuels branded ReadiJet was granted by order of the US Air Force companies Applied Research Associates (ARA) and Chevron Lummus Global (CLG). Flight aircraft pilot lasted one hour. In the wake of the «green» Falcon hung a T-33, to collect data on the impact of biofuel engines on the environment. Preliminary findings on the effectiveness of the use of new biofuels promise to publish in the next few weeks. ARA hopes that official permission for the use of biofuels in aviation will be received in 2013. Of course, before the widespread introduction of rapeseed fuel it is still very far away, but that still does seem absolutely unreal becomes visible outlines.