Figure Cossack bodyguard was sold for $ 5, 2 million

in the attic, in the mountains of trash, sometimes real treasures are hidden. A pair of New York, George and Betty Davis, examining closets in your house, found the most valuable figure of the workshop of Carl Faberge. Forgotten works went under the hammer for 5, $ 2 million at auction Stair Galleries. Last time something like this pops up on auction at Sotheby's in 2005. Then for the miniature Faberge buyer gave $ 1, 8 million. Nakhodka is a carved stone figure, machined master the image of camera-Cossack Nikolai Nikolaevich Pustynnikova - bodyguard of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. She made the chief master of Faberge Henrik Wigstrom in 1912 at the personal request of Nicholas II. After the revolution, the Bolsheviks fused miniature American businessman Armand Hammer. In 1934, the auction Hammer Galleries in Manhattan work was resold to Mr. George Davis for $ 2250. About this product Davis has long been forgotten, and it is unknown how much would it still be gathering dust in the attic, if not accidental find. These figures are of great value. According to reports, Faberge workshop gave birth to only 50 similar products. More than the number of imperial Easter eggs, but still very small.