Best patter in the world!

On Thursday, the fourth of four and a quarter hours Ligurian regulated adjuster in Liguria, but thirty-three ships tacked, tacked , but never vylavirovali and then report about PROTOCOL logged as interviewer interviewee Ligurian adjuster fluently, but not cleanly reported to, but not doraportoval doraportovyval so yes zaraportovalsya about razmokropogodivshuyusya weather that, so the incident did not become a contender for the judicial precedent, Ligurian adjuster acclimate unconstitutional Constantinople, where crested flirtatious laughter laughed and shouted the Turks, who in draft stoned tube: do not smoke, Turk, tube, buy better pile peak, peak pile buy better, and that comes from Brandenburg scorer bombs zabombardiruet because someone chernoryly his snout poldvora izryl, he dug and the undermining; but in fact the Turk was not in, and Clara to sneaked into the time crept to Larue, while Carl Clara corals steal for what Clara Karl stole the clarinet and then the court degotnikovoy widow Barbara are two of the thief logs stolen; but sin - do not laugh - do not put in the nut: Clara about Carl all cancers in the darkness rustled in a fight, that's not up to the scorer thieves was not until degotnikovoy widow, and not to degotnikovyh children; but the angry widow took her to the barn wood: once the wood, two wood, three wood - not instead of all wood, and two wood-cutter, two woodsplitter drovoruba for Superbad Barbara expelled wood breadth court back to the wood yard, where a heron languished, heron dried up, Heron died ; the heron chick tenaciously clung to the chain; against fellow sheep against fellow himself a sheep, which is Senya hay in the sled, then lucky Senka Sonya with Sanka sledding: sled Skok, Senka's side, Sonku- forehead, all-in snow, and only Sasha cap cones knocked, then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha Sasha found on the highway; Sonya same Sashka's girlfriend was on the highway and sucked drying, and, moreover, have Sonya-vane in the mouth even three cheesecakes right in the honey cake, but she was not up Honey Sonya and cheesecake mouth sexton pereponomarit, perevyponomarit: buzzing like beetle, buzzing, da Cruz: was at Frol Frol on Laurel lied, he goes to Laura on Frol Laura navret that sergeant with vahmistrshey, captain with rotmistrshey that snake pressed down, and the hedgehog ezhata and his high-ranking guest took the reed, and soon again five children ate five honey agaric with half past three quadrangular lentils without wormholes, and one thousand six hundred sixty-six pies with cheese whey from the curd, of all that about the stake bells ringing trumpets, so much so that even Constantine zaltsburzhsky besperspektivnyak from the armored stated: all the bells not perekolokolovat not perevykolokolovat and tongue twisters are not all pereskorogovorit not perevyskorogovorit; but no harm in trying.