Lada in the air
Kharkov Oleg Zbarskii did the seemingly impossible: it has designed an environmentally friendly car that drives a liquefied air. This pnevmoavtomobil he made of his old "Lada».
The most amazing thing is that such a scheme of "pumping" of the car is very simple. Instead of using a ball valve carburetor through which the engine is supplied compressed air. You can alter the motor in an hour, if there cylinders and camshaft.
In an hour you can rebuild the engine and back. 48-year-old Oleg Zbarskii remade their "Lada" back in 2009. Now his car does not harm the city.
Of course, with a volume have to carry heavy tanks, but they fit in the back seat. Two cylinders is enough for 10 kilometers. And riding on such pnemomobilyah not work: the maximum speed - 40 km / h.
"The technology is still raw, but the car rides! And not allocate carbon dioxide, and the same air that gets "- says Zbarskii, who has patented his invention. Now he is looking for investors.