The result of global warming
Global warming as it is known - the process of gradually increasing the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans. All we are confronted with the consequences, but few believe in it. In this post you can see how climate change on our planet over the last ten years and may be change your mind.
Northwestern Glacier, Alaska, August 1940-August 2005
Pedersen Glacier, Alaska, summer 1917 - summer 2005.
Glacier McCarthy, Alaska, July 1909 - July 2004.
Glacier Patagonia, Chile, September 1986 - August 2002.
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, February 1993 - February 2000.
Muir Glacier, Alaska, August 1941 - August 2004.
Source: 4tololo.ru
Northwestern Glacier, Alaska, August 1940-August 2005
Pedersen Glacier, Alaska, summer 1917 - summer 2005.
Glacier McCarthy, Alaska, July 1909 - July 2004.
Glacier Patagonia, Chile, September 1986 - August 2002.
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, February 1993 - February 2000.
Muir Glacier, Alaska, August 1941 - August 2004.
Source: 4tololo.ru