Scenic photos of glaciers
In this collection we want to show you amazing pictures of the beautiful world of glaciers and describe the problems that arise due to global warming.
One of the most striking, penetrating even in his glory, the visible effects of climate change - it is icy canyons, rugged frost covering Greenland. Deep thawed, leaving deep into a few tens of meters, which with clean meltwater, clearly indicating the depth of color differences, has become one of the main attractions of the world's largest island. In the apocalypse definitely have a sense of taste.
Another amazing effect of global warming, evident all in the same Greenland - is lakes of various sizes that appear on the ice. Transparent, and even equipped with such a background, they can not help but give the impression of.
The length of the tunnels and the impressive size of glaciers, laid melt water, apply to the territory of North America. Height from floor to ceiling, and they can greatly exceed the height of a man, and a cleft in which, by the way, and easy to slip, go deep into the ice to many tens of meters.
Fall glacier melting caused by which arrays split off from the frozen giant pieces - each weighing thousands of tons - have long been the symbol of the impact of global warming on the environment, which can be seen with their own eyes.
Glaciers are melting, parting with the impressive icebergs, literally everywhere - from Patagonia to the coast of Antarctica. The most impressive event of such a plan was chipping in 2002 from the Larsen Ice Shelf on the Antarctic shore fragment area of more than two and a half thousand square kilometers. In this case the glacier remained completely stable for ten thousand years.
Every drop of ice in glaciers to sea throws a pile of icebergs, which, although they are the producers of one of the brightest impressions of tourists traveling to those places, but significantly worsen the situation with shipping.
The top of the volcano Kilimanjaro - one of the unexpected places where you can see with your own eyes the onset of global warming. Massive ice cap is melting rapidly, leaving the sand still hold the massive chunks of the former snow.
Pulls and glaciers of Norway, and here they melt not only creates bizarre shapes and colors of local glaciers, thus only decorating the fjords, but also allows archeologists discover ancient artifacts, including, for example, ice mummies, not to mention the weapons and household items Viking.
In the depths of Siberia, is hidden a real "climate bomb", according to the fuse which has persistently global warming. Because of the temperature increase gradually thawed bogs, immediately starting to emit methane (and even kindled), only adding greenhouse gases atmosphere.
Another unexpected place where dokatyvayutsya implications accelerates global warming - Venice. Already famous Piazza San Marco flooded five times a year, transforming it into a real pool where swimming vacationers and eventually the frequency of flooding will only increase as the city's attractions are not hidden in the waters of the Adriatic. However, according to forecasts it will happen only in 2100.
Source: busia777.livejournal.com

One of the most striking, penetrating even in his glory, the visible effects of climate change - it is icy canyons, rugged frost covering Greenland. Deep thawed, leaving deep into a few tens of meters, which with clean meltwater, clearly indicating the depth of color differences, has become one of the main attractions of the world's largest island. In the apocalypse definitely have a sense of taste.

Another amazing effect of global warming, evident all in the same Greenland - is lakes of various sizes that appear on the ice. Transparent, and even equipped with such a background, they can not help but give the impression of.

The length of the tunnels and the impressive size of glaciers, laid melt water, apply to the territory of North America. Height from floor to ceiling, and they can greatly exceed the height of a man, and a cleft in which, by the way, and easy to slip, go deep into the ice to many tens of meters.

Fall glacier melting caused by which arrays split off from the frozen giant pieces - each weighing thousands of tons - have long been the symbol of the impact of global warming on the environment, which can be seen with their own eyes.

Glaciers are melting, parting with the impressive icebergs, literally everywhere - from Patagonia to the coast of Antarctica. The most impressive event of such a plan was chipping in 2002 from the Larsen Ice Shelf on the Antarctic shore fragment area of more than two and a half thousand square kilometers. In this case the glacier remained completely stable for ten thousand years.

Every drop of ice in glaciers to sea throws a pile of icebergs, which, although they are the producers of one of the brightest impressions of tourists traveling to those places, but significantly worsen the situation with shipping.

The top of the volcano Kilimanjaro - one of the unexpected places where you can see with your own eyes the onset of global warming. Massive ice cap is melting rapidly, leaving the sand still hold the massive chunks of the former snow.

Pulls and glaciers of Norway, and here they melt not only creates bizarre shapes and colors of local glaciers, thus only decorating the fjords, but also allows archeologists discover ancient artifacts, including, for example, ice mummies, not to mention the weapons and household items Viking.

In the depths of Siberia, is hidden a real "climate bomb", according to the fuse which has persistently global warming. Because of the temperature increase gradually thawed bogs, immediately starting to emit methane (and even kindled), only adding greenhouse gases atmosphere.

Another unexpected place where dokatyvayutsya implications accelerates global warming - Venice. Already famous Piazza San Marco flooded five times a year, transforming it into a real pool where swimming vacationers and eventually the frequency of flooding will only increase as the city's attractions are not hidden in the waters of the Adriatic. However, according to forecasts it will happen only in 2100.
Source: busia777.livejournal.com