Bacteria on ATMs
ATMs same dirty as public toilets, according to researchers from the UK, studying the safety of different places and objects. They are found on the surface of ATMs bacteria that can cause even serious gastrointestinal disorders. Experts took swabs from ATM keys, installed in the centers of several cities in England. They then took similar swabs of public toilets in the same cities and compared the bacteria found under the microscope. In both samples were found bacteria pseudomonas and bacillus that cause severe intestinal rasstroystva.
"We were very surprised, - said study author, microbiologist Richard Hastings - as ATMs appeared contaminated as well as public toilets." It is still in a kind of ranking of the dirtiest places of public toilets were listed in the first place, and ATMs - only the tenth. Therefore, scientists remind us that we should not trust the purity of external devices used in public places: pay phones, ATMs and ticket machines and food. It is necessary to wash hands after every contact with such things - as well as after using the toilet.
Source: mirfactov.com/
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