Video from the cockpit of the car
Modern video technology now provide almost a hundred percent presence. The most striking example - the panoramic view from the cockpit, "Formula 1". All the circular space with a 360 degrees is available to the viewer in a continuous motion gonschika.
Impressive picture was taken on the road Rudskogen Motorsenter in Norway. At the helm was Swiss driver Sebastien Buemi. All videos filmed on a camera - ViewCam 360 (established by Making View). The camera has been installed behind pilota.
Despite the fact that such specialized equipment is very expensive to create its "racing" video can be virtually anyone. It has extreme - a wide range of cameras, from popular and not cheap GoPro and ending vehicle registrars raised durability with more democratic price tag. Precedents with videregistratorami already have - a hybrid camera Highscreen Black Box Outdoor passed the test on a radio-controlled racing machine (model goes on gasoline and accelerates to 80 km / h) .
Highscreen Outdoor - atypical videoreg. Its design is specially designed for shooting in extreme conditions. A model of a detachable display (not to damage it during the trip). The housing complies with protection IPX6: rain or dirt are not afraid. Complete with Outdoor has many useful holders and mounts - helmet, handlebars and molotsikla velosipeda.
Action-recorder shoots video in Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels, 30 k / s), high-quality image stabilizer makes the picture "smeared". The price of the device is somewhat lower value of the popular extreme sports cameras 7 900 rubles to 10 000 rubles (in one of the most affordable cameras GoPro) .
Hybrid cameras - "trick» Highscreen. DVR enjoys particular success, combined with radar detectors (to capture signals speed domes and radar DPS). One of the latest innovations in hybrid - a miniature Highscreen Black Box Connect, which can be used as a surveillance camera with remote control (a module Wi-Fi) .
To create extreme video from the face of the rider does not have to buy superkameru. Enthusiast with "Kick» (Kickstarter - a project to raise funds for the implementation of good ideas) Daniel Madsen came up with a special attachment on the helmet BoomPro.
The only and the main drawback of this gadget - the displacement of the center of gravity. But if the neck is strong, you can put all sorts of rakursy.
Source: mirfactov.com/