Living sculptures on Las Ramblas
When you travel to Barcelona, it is impossible not to visit the boulevard Las Ramblas. Its main attractions are the living statues, which cause a huge amount of enthusiasm among tourists of all ages. The best actor of the world come here to please the ordinary passers-by and of course some money. Someone there just no: cowboys, monsters and just comic figures.
Attraction invented three clown, named Tonio, Pe-pe and Paco.
Actors make up and froze in funny poses.
For a coin thrown thanked some trick.
Holiday had to taste as citizens and visitors.
Now in Barcelona constantly working a few dozen living sculptures.
Source: dervishv.livejournal.com

Attraction invented three clown, named Tonio, Pe-pe and Paco.

Actors make up and froze in funny poses.

For a coin thrown thanked some trick.

Holiday had to taste as citizens and visitors.

Now in Barcelona constantly working a few dozen living sculptures.

Source: dervishv.livejournal.com