
Rhinoceros - the second largest land animal after the elephant. The length of its body 5 m, height 2.1 m, and the mass of 2-4 tonnes. Rhinos have thick skin and horns on his head 1-2. Sometimes horns can be 3-5 (the black rhino). Horn structurally resembles the hoof (or with you our nails), that is, is a skin forming. Its length can exceed 1, 5 m.
The life span of 50-60 years rhinos.
Rhinos are held by one or in pairs (females with calves). The female gives birth to one calf (rarely two) every 2-3 years after 17-19 months gestation. The calf remains with the mother before the birth of the next offspring.
Rhinos are mostly nocturnal and feed only on plants. In search of food animals can travel long distances.
These animals are very well developed hearing and smell, but they do not see. Therefore, it is good to focus on the area and do not accidentally run into foreign territory, rhinos left odorous marks (manure) on the borders of their possessions.
At the extremities of the rhino on three fingers, each of which has a hoof.
Now in the world there were 5 species of rhinoceros: Indian, Javan and Sumatran - Asian, black and white - in Africa. All rhino species are threatened with extinction and are listed as endangered.
In Asian rhinos skin forms deep folds, so it seems as if the animal is dressed in armor, consisting of individual plates.
African rhinos often carry on his back Oxpecker, which is removed from the animal skin mites and other biting insects.
At the speed of movement of black African rhinoceros is not inferior to the horse and can reach speeds up to 40 km / h.