Where are the signs

1. Knock on Wood
This phrase we say when our life is something important and we need luck. Belief in the magical power of trees born from the ancient Egyptians. But the ancient Greeks "settle" the gods in the trees. And it meant that by touching the tree, you can touch the inhabitants of Mount Olympus. That is to ask them for protection.
2. Broken Mirror
The most tenacious superstition: If you break a mirror, you have misfortune. And the "roots" of this absurd prejudice. The first glass mirrors began to do in the fifteenth century in Venice, and, of course, then they were very expensive. In order to get a maid to manage carefully with the subject of expensive, the owners, the wealthy and came up with this sign: someone break a mirror to wait seven years of grief.
3. Reach handle
In Russia, cakes baked in the shape of the castle with a round bow. Citizens often bought rolls and ate them on the street, holding the bow, or a pen. For reasons of hygiene in food handle itself did not use, and give it to the poor, or thrown to be devoured by dogs. And as for those who are not averse to eat it, saying he reached the pens. Today, the expression "to reach the hands" means absolutely down, losing human form.
4. Price-
What do you think, who came up to hang a price tag on each item? Until the 20th century to compete in markets and shops were such a system: the seller is estimated by eye as the customer can pay the price, and he called. The situation has changed a certain Frank Woolworth. He worked at a grocery store owner and once angered his employer. He shouted that he had dismissed the young man if one shift he does daily receipts. The boy kept his head and hung signs on all products with the lowest price, as well as organized the sale of "all for 5 cents!". As a result, man gain by selling 6 day proceeds, retired and opened his own shop, where it was not necessary to haggle.
5. Thrifty hedgehog
Do you know what makes a hedgehog with an apple impaled on pins and needles? This image spiny animal in many countries - a symbol of hard work and thrifty. Where does this belief went?
It has become a tradition of the Roman historian Pliny the Elder. In his work he described the life of hedgehogs as "hedgehog collects food for the winter. He rides on the apples that fell to the ground. Nakolet them on their needles and another will be held in the mouth and in the hollow of a tree ».
Today, it is found that the hedgehog - insectivorous, reserves for the winter does not and do not climb trees! And Apple does not like.