Lair human mole 31.10.2012
Dive into the lair of a human mole
It turns out there is a person in the Urals-mole, exactly a hermit called Ural journalists. His name is Vladimir Reshin, and the ground he left not a good life - his house burned down and build a new one proved too much for - the right hand does not work due to suffering encephalitis.
He dug his home for more than 7 years, almost with one hand. Earth took out in buckets on a rope passed through the system blocks.
The TV story dated 2008, much time has passed, and the chances of finding a human mole were small. So StarStas gave the idea to go to man-mole - meet, go away and have a certain amount of financial assistance.
As it turned out at the site, everyone has heard about a man-mole, but almost no one saw. All speak the same thing - then he is no longer living. And so it turned out really.
Overgrown garden, a fallen fence and a small shed, built of clay and small brevnyshek raised from the ground.
All abandoned and fell into disrepair and slowly destroyed.
It was under this heavy hatch hidden entrance to the underground
Over the years, the tree almost completely destroyed by rot and mold, and earth pressure squeezed move up negligibly narrow dimensions. The first investigation showed that down to the bottom is not possible. The lower we descended, the more it was rotten logs. Soon he began to move so narrow that it was very difficult to climb. Trying to climb even further led to the collapse of several logs and they, along with a heap of earth flew down.
If we even went down, the chance to get back would be very small. So we threw insurance and eight fell into the earth.
The last few spans were completely destroyed by rot and wood were the dust, covered with a thick layer of white mold. The photo shows the devastated logs and piles of earth.
The first thing that surprised - it is a very thoughtful approach to sinking and fixing workings. At the top of the course had a square cross section, and the bottom - round. Moreover, the round part of Walker and vaults were reinforced with clay workings.
About Walker has a bedroom - on a wooden platform bed was arranged. Location bedrooms near salable provided adequate ventilation and the proximity to the exit to the outside.
On the other hand Walker is a corridor that connects several developments - apparently the living room, which has already collapsed and a kitchen with an emergency exit.
Perhaps this development was connected to the basement of the former house, but it is completely collapsed. There you can climb, if you clear the land, but it is very dangerous, because all species susceptible to collapses.
The cross section of the workings - oval to reduce the rock pressure and to be fully human growth. Immediately stand shovels, crowbars and a bunch of old batteries.
Above it hangs around the black sooty cobwebs. The lighting in the cave was made on the twisting without any insulation against all the rules of TB.
In the corner was a small undeveloped shower. Closer to the stove and heat.
There is wood stove for heating, cooking food and burning feces. Of course this is not a small stove to heat a large room, probably in the cold here was very, very cold. I immediately thought of spending the night in an abandoned mine - in the damp and cold.
Chimney goes to another vertical development of this generation, and served as an emergency exit in case of collapse.
Photo for memory with a bottle of urine produced in 2009. This is the final picture as the top again crumbled earth and it was decided to urgently get outside.
To be honest, I was so shocked by what he saw that a long time has been impressed. Are people able to dig alone with one hand such a big dugout or rather small mine? How many forces had to spend on this? Think through all the technical details, and most importantly - to live there for more than 7 years! In constant darkness, the smell of rot, damp and cold - all alone, with no amenities!
This should be a very strong man, a man with a capital letter. I'm just delighted!
Who is the mole-people live in the taiga.
In addition, about a man, a mole can be read on the links:
nlo-mir.ru/starnyesushestva/12907-2012 -02-16-09-29-53.html
Source: mishainik.livejournal.com/
It turns out there is a person in the Urals-mole, exactly a hermit called Ural journalists. His name is Vladimir Reshin, and the ground he left not a good life - his house burned down and build a new one proved too much for - the right hand does not work due to suffering encephalitis.
He dug his home for more than 7 years, almost with one hand. Earth took out in buckets on a rope passed through the system blocks.

The TV story dated 2008, much time has passed, and the chances of finding a human mole were small. So StarStas gave the idea to go to man-mole - meet, go away and have a certain amount of financial assistance.
As it turned out at the site, everyone has heard about a man-mole, but almost no one saw. All speak the same thing - then he is no longer living. And so it turned out really.
Overgrown garden, a fallen fence and a small shed, built of clay and small brevnyshek raised from the ground.

All abandoned and fell into disrepair and slowly destroyed.

It was under this heavy hatch hidden entrance to the underground

Over the years, the tree almost completely destroyed by rot and mold, and earth pressure squeezed move up negligibly narrow dimensions. The first investigation showed that down to the bottom is not possible. The lower we descended, the more it was rotten logs. Soon he began to move so narrow that it was very difficult to climb. Trying to climb even further led to the collapse of several logs and they, along with a heap of earth flew down.
If we even went down, the chance to get back would be very small. So we threw insurance and eight fell into the earth.

The last few spans were completely destroyed by rot and wood were the dust, covered with a thick layer of white mold. The photo shows the devastated logs and piles of earth.

The first thing that surprised - it is a very thoughtful approach to sinking and fixing workings. At the top of the course had a square cross section, and the bottom - round. Moreover, the round part of Walker and vaults were reinforced with clay workings.
About Walker has a bedroom - on a wooden platform bed was arranged. Location bedrooms near salable provided adequate ventilation and the proximity to the exit to the outside.

On the other hand Walker is a corridor that connects several developments - apparently the living room, which has already collapsed and a kitchen with an emergency exit.
Perhaps this development was connected to the basement of the former house, but it is completely collapsed. There you can climb, if you clear the land, but it is very dangerous, because all species susceptible to collapses.

The cross section of the workings - oval to reduce the rock pressure and to be fully human growth. Immediately stand shovels, crowbars and a bunch of old batteries.

Above it hangs around the black sooty cobwebs. The lighting in the cave was made on the twisting without any insulation against all the rules of TB.

In the corner was a small undeveloped shower. Closer to the stove and heat.

There is wood stove for heating, cooking food and burning feces. Of course this is not a small stove to heat a large room, probably in the cold here was very, very cold. I immediately thought of spending the night in an abandoned mine - in the damp and cold.

Chimney goes to another vertical development of this generation, and served as an emergency exit in case of collapse.

Photo for memory with a bottle of urine produced in 2009. This is the final picture as the top again crumbled earth and it was decided to urgently get outside.

To be honest, I was so shocked by what he saw that a long time has been impressed. Are people able to dig alone with one hand such a big dugout or rather small mine? How many forces had to spend on this? Think through all the technical details, and most importantly - to live there for more than 7 years! In constant darkness, the smell of rot, damp and cold - all alone, with no amenities!
This should be a very strong man, a man with a capital letter. I'm just delighted!
Who is the mole-people live in the taiga.
In addition, about a man, a mole can be read on the links:
nlo-mir.ru/starnyesushestva/12907-2012 -02-16-09-29-53.html
Source: mishainik.livejournal.com/