Good nutrition in childhood determines the size of future salary

Scientists have found a link between proper nutrition in early childhood and in the future earnings of a person, according to French media. A recent study found that children who are in the first two years of life prepared food all the nutrients you need in the future to earn a half times more than those who get enough to eat as a child.
The study, whose results were published in the British medical zhunale Lancet, led by John Hoddinott of the International Science and Food Policy Research Institute in Washington.
Participants in the experiment began in 1424 Guatemalans aged 25 to 42 years old, who as a child lived in one and the same area of the country, but in four different towns. In the 1970s in the area operated a special program for food aid, but "food set" in these villages differed in calories.
It turned out that the residents of the two villages with a set of high-calorie foods later were earning 46% more than the inhabitants of two other villages. At the same time many of them are engaged in work that requires a lot of physical strength and endurance.
It is noteworthy, however, that the difference concerned only men. Women who are compared to the representatives of the stronger sex, yielded better education, earn less than men. This circumstance scientists explain most economic reasons: in developing countries, especially in Africa, women have fewer opportunities for self-realization in the profession and most of them are forced into low-paid home-based work.
This is not the first scientific data indicating the probable link between proper nutrition in childhood and a higher capacity for work in the coming years. However, for the first time, scientists were able to obtain direct evidence that such a relationship does exist.
Experts explain - in the first two years of life lays the "foundation" of health, and how the child eats at this time depends on how strong, resilient and efficient it will grow.
Deficiency of certain nutrients can adversely affect various body functions. Thus, the consequences of iodine deficiency yavlyatsya growth retardation, mental retardation, and anemia. These children, of course, can not use all their potential, experts point out.
Recognizing the important role of nutrition in early childhood, researchers at the same time ascertain - on the professional successes of man is influenced by many different factors, including education and economic conditions.
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