Molfarka Magdalena Mociowski is trusted and has charisma, before which you can not resist.

Carpathian molfark Magdalena Mociowski is trustworthy and has a charisma that you cannot resist. To open the curtain of the future, the seer conducts a special ceremony: burns herbs and cuts smoke with a knife.

Today's edition. "Site" share molfark The question of when the war will end. That's an encouraging prediction!

A resident of Transcarpathia Magdalena Mociowski from early childhood had abilities in healing and prophecy. She inherited her gift from her grandmother. The woman continues the traditions of Carpathian molfars, with which she is connected not only culturally, but also genetically. Magdalena is a seventh generation molfarka!

The power and wisdom of molfars has always been associated with nature. Previously, molfars could stop or cause rain, talk snakes and more. Modern molfars are deeply religious people. And Magdalena is a bright representative. That is why Christian symbols in the form of a cross, incense and the image of the mother of God always accompany the healer.

“When and how will this war end?” is the question most often asked of Magdalena. These are difficult times for the Ukrainian people. But we will. Ukrainians are very strong-minded people who will cope with everything! – says Magdalena.

“The Moscow leader is now defended by shamans who energetically support him. That is why no curses are particularly effective on him. But it's temporary. You cannot hide from God behind shamans or bunker walls.

No shaman can keep it, because everyone has their own destiny. And the candle of this man is slowly burning! – shows his thoughts Magdalena.

Asked if the Moscow leader regretted launching the attack, Magdalena responded as she felt. “He who commands to attack his neighbor behaves like the Antichrist in human form. Such people do not regret anything and have no conscience or pity. He has set a goal for himself and thinks he will achieve it. But it won't happen! the woman says.

According to the seer, Ukraine has quite serious support from the West. In addition, psychics from around the world created over this country energy circleIt works as a protective barrier. Many people with special abilities are working to ensure that the Ukrainian people survive.

In the near future, negotiations will be held on the return of the lost territories of Ukraine.

Magdalena doesn't name exact wartime. But the visionary confidently declares that everything will be resolved before the end of the summer of 2022.

The EU and the US understand that if Ukraine loses, the war could spread to other European countries. That's what the intelligence says. But increased Western sanctions will ultimately have a major impact on Russia’s economy. And they want to take away their leader.

“It is important to remember that we are at war with the devil. He is not afraid of curses and hatred, they only strengthen him. He is afraid of prayer and love, Magdalena said. That is why prayer can influence the final outcome of this confrontation.

I also propose to get acquainted with the new forecast of Molfar Orest Stafiychuk about the fate of Ukraine. To break the morale of Ukrainians will not work!

Molfarka Magdalena believes that Ukraine will win in this war. The main thing is to believe it with all your heart and stop being afraid. Pray, dear ones, God is always on the side of good and bright people!


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