How to get back to school after the holidays
Looking at the calendar and realizing that autumn is close, parents think about preparing for school. After all, the holidays are over and the students will go again to get knowledge. How do you prepare yourself and them for this difficult process?
Today's edition "Site" remind your parents, How to prepare for school after the holidays And what you need to do in the remaining time before school.
How to Prepare for School Soon to School It seemed that the summer had just begun, but now it was Knowledge Day. How to check the readiness of the child for school and not forget anything in a hurry? Let's take advice. family psychologist Svetlana Royce.
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How to get back to school rhythm
Now you know, How to prepare for the school year Prepare your child for this difficult time. And yet, remember that school is important, but only part of your child's life. Let, in addition to lessons, the student will have many more interesting things in life that will only help him to be fully developed and happy.
Today's edition "Site" remind your parents, How to prepare for school after the holidays And what you need to do in the remaining time before school.

How to Prepare for School Soon to School It seemed that the summer had just begun, but now it was Knowledge Day. How to check the readiness of the child for school and not forget anything in a hurry? Let's take advice. family psychologist Svetlana Royce.

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How to get back to school rhythm
- The first thing to do is to return (and in some cases, to form) the usual school schedule.
- Be mindful of the summer retreat in knowledge. After all, what was learned in the previous year could well be forgotten, and therefore the first time you will have to remember the old rather than learn the new.
- For the youngest, it will not be superfluous to consolidate self-service skills (tying shoelaces, changing clothes, visiting the toilet on your own, eating).
- Prepare a workplace for the student. In this case, we recommend adding more rich green color, which contributes to good concentration.
- Let the child choose his own diary, notebooks, backpack and other school supplies. Let their use throughout the year causes the student positive emotions, not memories, as he quarreled with his mother in the mall.
- Maybe the school is still closed, but it will not be superfluous to go with the child to the educational institution a couple of times to form an understanding of the safety of the path. If possible, it would be nice to walk through the halls of the school itself, go to the toilet, for example.
- It is good if you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the child and talk with the teacher, shake the teacher’s hand, thus demonstrating to your child that this new adult in his life can be trusted.
- Meet with classmates, go to the cinema together, sit in a cafe - contribute to the development of normal friendly relations with the child.
- In order for classmates to really feel more than just forced classmates, you can order cute bracelets or keychains for everyone. To create a ritual, for example, a child came from school, took off his bracelet and immediately tuned in to household chores. I went to school, put on a bracelet, ready to learn.
- It is important that there is not too much change in one moment. Therefore, you need to register in the section and for additional classes either now or at the end of September. And if, for example, a child has been sleeping with his parents before this time, then let the new stage (sleeping alone) begin with him now, and not from September 1, when the changes already occur.
- It will not be superfluous to pass tests and consult a pediatrician, which foods to add to the diet, and which vitamins are needed for a more fruitful study. Perhaps you should buy a vitamin complex or supplements.
- For pessimists who focus more on negativity, it is good to create a source of joy and inspiration. It can even be a collage of photos that show that the child has achieved small successes: learned to ride a bicycle, found an edible mushroom or caught a fish himself. 538268
- Remind your child of the importance of their personal space, which no one has the right to violate. Explain that in any incomprehensible situations, he can always contact his parents.
- We have to remember that juvenile It is more difficult to perceive information - he is more inclined to sleep and slow down than to learn. Therefore, motivation and academic performance are falling, and large amounts of information become beyond their power.
- It should be accepted that every year the authority of parents for the child decreases. Chado begins to acquire new idols, his worldview expands. Mom and Dad cease to be gods, but remain parents forever.
- Remember how difficult it is for adults to get out of vacation, and it is not easy for children to say goodbye to vacation. Having a small party with a picnic is the best thing.
Now you know, How to prepare for the school year Prepare your child for this difficult time. And yet, remember that school is important, but only part of your child's life. Let, in addition to lessons, the student will have many more interesting things in life that will only help him to be fully developed and happy.