Buying processors is expensive
In any computer technology, there is a heart that, in fact, performs all computational operations and controls the modes of operation. It is the most important component, consisting of a huge number of transistors, resistors and other semiconductor elements. In modern devices on a crystal with a size of 1 square cm, there are more than ten million of them. But time does not stand still and even such a high-tech device gradually loses its relevance and becomes an unnecessary stone. This is where the old iron buyer service https://platalom.ru/platy will be useful in your city.
The Value of Old Processors
The processor is a very complex device designed on a small ceramic plate. One square centimeter contains countless microscopic semiconductors. Even for avid radio enthusiasts who repair computers, they may only have value as testbeds for overclocking or checking other components. Otherwise, their real value lies in the precious metals used. Yes, it would seem that such a small device contains a lot of silver and even more gold. How does it manifest itself?
To make sure the content of a large amount of precious metals in processors can be quite simple, looking at the number of legs located around the crystal. It is on them that the greatest amount of gold is concentrated in the form of special electrical spraying. It is necessary in order to improve the quality of the signal by eliminating the likelihood of scale formation due to sparking, since in some cases and under certain operating modes, the device consumes sufficiently large currents.
At home, it is extremely difficult and technically impossible to extract technical gold from contacts. This can only be done with the help of special industrial equipment and proven technology. It consists in grinding chips and other components to the state of powder, then thermal operations and chemical reactions of interaction begin. It is for this reason that it is better to buy old processors by specialized firms or individual entrepreneurs. Those who own the equipment and technology. They buy both separately processors "stones" and computers as a whole, eliminating the need to make an independent disassembly.
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