Twenty Quotes of Academician Dmitry Likhachev

Quotes about happiness help you live. Editorial "Site" I collected twenty best quotes from the books of Dmitry Likhachev. Wise thoughts about life.

Dmitry Sergeyevich Likhachev is a Russian philologist and art critic. He has made a great contribution to our culture. Likhachev studied ancient Russian literature - he owns works on "The Tale of Bygone Years" and "The Word about Igor's Regiment." In addition, the author wrote more than 500 scientific papers and earned the title of academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Throughout his life, the philologist was an active defender of culture. He restored most of the buildings of St. Petersburg. He also founded the Monrepo Park and the Moscow School of Painting. Likhachev earned many awards, including the Order of Lenin and the Pushkin Medal.

Dmitry Sergeyevich said: “Happiness is achieved by one who seeks to make others happy...” Simple truth, but how deep are these words? We chase happiness, trying to grab the firebird by the feather. Meanwhile, we do not notice that true joy is the well-being of the family, the health of loved ones and harmony in relationships.

Read fiction and understand it, read history books and love the past of mankind, read travel literature, memoirs, read art literature, visit museums, travel with meaning, and be mentally rich. Yes, be philologists, that is, lovers of the word, for the word stands at the beginning of culture and completes it, expresses it.

“Life is above all creativity, but that does not mean that every human being must be born an artist, a ballerina or a scientist to live. Creativity can also be created. You can create a good atmosphere around you.”

“Envy develops first where you are a stranger to yourself. Where you do not distinguish yourself from others. Envy means you have not found yourself.”

“The impressions of artists are always interesting. Read the artists’ notes and memories of their trips. I don't know why, but all artists are amazingly good at writing. Wonderful writers - Korovin, Benois, Dobuzhinsky, Grabar ... How they were able to look and see, and then capture what they saw not only in painting, but also in their notes!

“At the heart of all good manners is care – care that a person does not interfere with a person, that everyone would feel good together.”

“Knowledge opens doors for us, but we must enter them ourselves.”

“Every people must be judged by the moral standards and ideals by which it lives. Be kind to any people, the smallest! This position is the most righteous, the most noble.”

In the books you can find quotes about happiness:

“For a speech to be interesting, the speaker himself must be interesting to speak.”

“Caring for the past is also caring for the future.”

“Folk art teaches us to understand the convention of art.”

“All acts committed in youth are remembered. The good will rejoice, the bad will not sleep! ?

Mankind cannot be corrected, it is simple to correct oneself.

“Happiness is attained by one who seeks to make others happy and is able to forget at least for a time about his own interests, about himself.”

"Notes on Russian" Belinsky somewhere in his letters, I remember, has this idea: scoundrels always prevail over decent people because they treat decent people as scoundrels, and decent people treat scoundrels as decent people.

“Indolence seeks to teach, talent to set an example. But if time is taken away from talent, talent will teach more than by example.”

Someone told me that when Rachmaninoff was asked what is most important in art, he replied: “There should be no main thing in art.”

“Philosophical systems are not only right or wrong, but interesting, rich and uninteresting, poor, boring. Same religion. There may also be an aesthetic approach.”

"Memories" In the dining room, when I met familiar faces, I thought, “This one is alive.” People in the dining room met with the words: “You are alive!” I'm so glad! They knew each other with anxiety: so and so died, so and so left. People counted each other, counting the rest as if they were in the camp.”

There was a specific movement of the fingers, by which the Leningraders recognized each other in the evacuation: bread crumbs on the table were pressed with their fingers to stick to them, and sent these particles of food into their mouths. It was unthinkable to leave breadcrumbs. The plates were licked, although the “soup” that was eaten from them was completely liquid and without fat: they were afraid that there would be a greasy greasy (“grease” is the Leningrad word of those years, as well as “pendants”).

To perfect one's tongue is a great pleasure, no less than to dress well, only less expensive.

Minds of smart people They can change the world. They make you think about meaning and purpose in life. After all, each of us is looking for the answer to the question: “Who am I really?” Inspired by the experience of scientists, writers and cultural figures, we strive to find ourselves, to find happiness. Develop your inner world and gain knowledge, because they are invaluable!