How to choose the right bed and its size
Twenty-two million five hundred seventy-eight thousand nine hundred seventy-seven
The choice of new beds should be approached with great responsibility. This purchase for a long time, so fragile housing or carelessly performed the head — a clear reason to look for furniture for sleeping elsewhere. Experts https://www.032.ua/ will tell you how to consider all nuances and to choose the optimal double bed.
Classic variant — solid wood furniture widely available in ordinary retail outlets and in the exclusive salons. Tree — an environmentally safe, natural material that fits perfectly into different styles and concepts. In addition, look for these products is easy, they are durable, practical and durable. Any bedroom with a wooden bed, getting nice and cozy. And when you consider the variety of textures and shades, it becomes clear that to choose furniture that completely match the interior, quite simple. The most durable species of wood:
In this case, each of the woods has its drawbacks. For example, beech and oak array of cracks under the action of strong shock and the ash is sensitive to sudden temperature changes.
The wood is alder and conifers is much milder products much cheaper. However, a strong this furniture can not be called. Soft array can not withstand heavy loads.
Cheaper option — the bed is made of laminated wood. In performance, this furniture is not much inferior to solid wood, and in some respects even surpass it (no cracks "alive", better tolerate high humidity).
With regard to articles of particle Board, it is necessary to ensure their environmental safety. Make sure that the furniture has a certificate. To buy products from dubious sellers dangerous.
The advantages of wooden beds
The disadvantages include a large mass and a relatively high price (however, it is a payment for quality, practicality and naturalness).
The choice in size
Selection of a bed for a child depends on his age and temperament. If the kid is active, then the best option would be metal or wooden bed made of solid rock. Calm child perfect inexpensive pine or spruce product on the slats.
The choice of new beds should be approached with great responsibility. This purchase for a long time, so fragile housing or carelessly performed the head — a clear reason to look for furniture for sleeping elsewhere. Experts https://www.032.ua/ will tell you how to consider all nuances and to choose the optimal double bed.
Classic variant — solid wood furniture widely available in ordinary retail outlets and in the exclusive salons. Tree — an environmentally safe, natural material that fits perfectly into different styles and concepts. In addition, look for these products is easy, they are durable, practical and durable. Any bedroom with a wooden bed, getting nice and cozy. And when you consider the variety of textures and shades, it becomes clear that to choose furniture that completely match the interior, quite simple. The most durable species of wood:
- oak;
- gums;
- beech.
In this case, each of the woods has its drawbacks. For example, beech and oak array of cracks under the action of strong shock and the ash is sensitive to sudden temperature changes.
The wood is alder and conifers is much milder products much cheaper. However, a strong this furniture can not be called. Soft array can not withstand heavy loads.
Cheaper option — the bed is made of laminated wood. In performance, this furniture is not much inferior to solid wood, and in some respects even surpass it (no cracks "alive", better tolerate high humidity).
With regard to articles of particle Board, it is necessary to ensure their environmental safety. Make sure that the furniture has a certificate. To buy products from dubious sellers dangerous.
The advantages of wooden beds
- aesthetic appearance;
- natural, ecological safety;
- high strength, long service life. Especially it concerns hardwood varieties;
- good maintainability.
The disadvantages include a large mass and a relatively high price (however, it is a payment for quality, practicality and naturalness).
The choice in size
- For couples the best option — square or rectangular double bed, made of ash or oak.
- The selection of one person — an inexpensive single model of aspen or spruce, with a width of 1500 mm.
- If the bedroom is quite spacious, you can choose a bed with an unusual configuration in the shape of a circle or oval.
Selection of a bed for a child depends on his age and temperament. If the kid is active, then the best option would be metal or wooden bed made of solid rock. Calm child perfect inexpensive pine or spruce product on the slats.