Equipment for tuning and restringing salon
Fifteen million two hundred fifty five thousand seven hundred nine
To carry out interior tuning forces the worn out siding and inappropriate plant material. The owner seeks to bring the car under their standards and preferences.
Experienced specialists in the repair shop will be able to offer options for banners. They have the equipment and all of the hauling automobile salon will be held in a minimum period. The decision to hold the tuning on their own to lead to the subsequent two stages. Training should be given not less time than the hauling.
Features material selection
The first correct step is determining the cost. Preliminary calculations it is better to spend after carrying out of measurements taking into account the bending of the material. The results obtained need to add 20 percent because of the lack of experience will lead to a shortage and is quite difficult to find a suitable piece with the same colors.
For cars with high mileage best suited inexpensive materials of the type of carpet or velour. Them much easier to work with. Carpet will be able to provide excellent soundproofing. Velour in appearance and many characteristics it is not inferior to leather goods.
Natural product appreciated for durability and ability to withstand any adverse effects. The skin is not afraid of spills, UV and temperature changes. The surface features durability and beautiful appearance.
The analogue in the face of the faux leather will appeal to fans of fast driving. You can pick up an unusual color tint to highlight the torpedoes and steering wheel, door cards and seats. Durability ensures many years of operation.
Alcantara will certainly raise the class of the car. Nice faux suede has a unique texture and ability to repel dirt. Cause damage to the surface is not so simple, care takes a few minutes.
Select the material based on your budget. It is easy to find a combination of cheap velour and leather trim for the steering wheel and the front panel.
Equipment for restringing
Relatively small kit needs to be assembled and is on hand during the pull. Work is done slowly and carefully. Sudden delays due to the lack of appropriate details will lead to a repetition of completed operations and loss of time.
For cutting and stitching using the centimeter, tailor scissors, sharp hobby knife, reinforced thread, marker or chalk. The pattern is often the old trim, which is removed and rasplyvetsya at the seams. Have a sewing machine should be a special pull-out foot, especially when working with leather.
Selected two part glue. Aerosol version needed to connect the foam to serve as lining. Quick-drying, the composition should be able to quickly grab the fabric surface. Experts recommend to buy a special glue, as the standard long Time remains an unpleasant odor.
When mounting use the set of keys and a regular screwdriver. Sandpaper needed when sanding plastic surface. Degreasing can be made in any suitable composition. When heating of the skin will need construction or household Hairdryer if it has good power.
To carry out interior tuning forces the worn out siding and inappropriate plant material. The owner seeks to bring the car under their standards and preferences.
Experienced specialists in the repair shop will be able to offer options for banners. They have the equipment and all of the hauling automobile salon will be held in a minimum period. The decision to hold the tuning on their own to lead to the subsequent two stages. Training should be given not less time than the hauling.

Features material selection
The first correct step is determining the cost. Preliminary calculations it is better to spend after carrying out of measurements taking into account the bending of the material. The results obtained need to add 20 percent because of the lack of experience will lead to a shortage and is quite difficult to find a suitable piece with the same colors.
For cars with high mileage best suited inexpensive materials of the type of carpet or velour. Them much easier to work with. Carpet will be able to provide excellent soundproofing. Velour in appearance and many characteristics it is not inferior to leather goods.
Natural product appreciated for durability and ability to withstand any adverse effects. The skin is not afraid of spills, UV and temperature changes. The surface features durability and beautiful appearance.
The analogue in the face of the faux leather will appeal to fans of fast driving. You can pick up an unusual color tint to highlight the torpedoes and steering wheel, door cards and seats. Durability ensures many years of operation.
Alcantara will certainly raise the class of the car. Nice faux suede has a unique texture and ability to repel dirt. Cause damage to the surface is not so simple, care takes a few minutes.
Select the material based on your budget. It is easy to find a combination of cheap velour and leather trim for the steering wheel and the front panel.
Equipment for restringing
Relatively small kit needs to be assembled and is on hand during the pull. Work is done slowly and carefully. Sudden delays due to the lack of appropriate details will lead to a repetition of completed operations and loss of time.
For cutting and stitching using the centimeter, tailor scissors, sharp hobby knife, reinforced thread, marker or chalk. The pattern is often the old trim, which is removed and rasplyvetsya at the seams. Have a sewing machine should be a special pull-out foot, especially when working with leather.
Selected two part glue. Aerosol version needed to connect the foam to serve as lining. Quick-drying, the composition should be able to quickly grab the fabric surface. Experts recommend to buy a special glue, as the standard long Time remains an unpleasant odor.
When mounting use the set of keys and a regular screwdriver. Sandpaper needed when sanding plastic surface. Degreasing can be made in any suitable composition. When heating of the skin will need construction or household Hairdryer if it has good power.