Public procurement online. Advantages and disadvantages
Eighty-four million seven hundred eight thousand three hundred ninety-five
The rules of Public procurement that have to be performed online, using an authorized electronic platforms, the largest of which is Psora, fairly new. But intense vikoristannya that leads to understanding the many advantages and gaps.
The largest of advantages is:
The most significant disadvantages are:
Starting work on the authorized site of State purchases, as the customer, and the contractor is faced with many factors that decide the following strategy for work in Prosaro. All, without exception, is the path of legality, confidence in their actions and unconditional progress. At the same time, this new structure where the paths of rotation to corruption schemes a lot. Also do not forget that, first and foremost, the Public procurement system, Prosaro, is the protection of your business, and money that involved in it, from fraudulent activity. Provided Blagojevich actions of city councils, tender, antikorupcinio and supervising other committees, the scheme of implementation of Public procurement is quite consistent and clear, but do so really, given the length of the link between the buyer and the contractor? To meet these milestones, and find ways to overcome the path from Declaration to payment of work performed/received items You have. The key to a successful procedure still. And PROSARO is a tool implementation of Public procurement procedures conducive to You practicing the "Law on state procurement"
The rules of Public procurement that have to be performed online, using an authorized electronic platforms, the largest of which is Psora, fairly new. But intense vikoristannya that leads to understanding the many advantages and gaps.
The largest of advantages is:
- saving time for the customer to search artist/vendor for reviews of third parties
- vicevice'll find customer
- the transparency of the legal founders and high-quality certificate as the contractor and the customer
- transparency determine the smallest value of the goods/services
The most significant disadvantages are:
- tight market performers
- the period from the beginning of procedure public procurement to its logical conclusion, is too long
- big percentage of involvement of officials in the procedure for buyer-seller
- the inability to see a product in stock
- the inability to make visual quality characteristics of similar work that was already performed by the contractor
- logistical problems
Starting work on the authorized site of State purchases, as the customer, and the contractor is faced with many factors that decide the following strategy for work in Prosaro. All, without exception, is the path of legality, confidence in their actions and unconditional progress. At the same time, this new structure where the paths of rotation to corruption schemes a lot. Also do not forget that, first and foremost, the Public procurement system, Prosaro, is the protection of your business, and money that involved in it, from fraudulent activity. Provided Blagojevich actions of city councils, tender, antikorupcinio and supervising other committees, the scheme of implementation of Public procurement is quite consistent and clear, but do so really, given the length of the link between the buyer and the contractor? To meet these milestones, and find ways to overcome the path from Declaration to payment of work performed/received items You have. The key to a successful procedure still. And PROSARO is a tool implementation of Public procurement procedures conducive to You practicing the "Law on state procurement"

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