The most curious cases that had occurred on the first date
Twenty seven million two hundred thousand six hundred sixty nine
The first date is so exciting event, sometimes it occurs such funny things without smiling and remember.
Site found 10 stories on ridiculous dates where something went wrong. Maybe you had similar anecdotes?
Six million four hundred eighty three thousand four hundred ninety eight
See also
36 questions that lead to love
What's going on with the men in the head on the first date
The Frank admission of a married man who continues to date
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/otkrovennoe-priznanie-zhenatogo-muzhchiny-kotoryj-prodolzhaet-hodit-na-svidaniya-983510/
The first date is so exciting event, sometimes it occurs such funny things without smiling and remember.
Site found 10 stories on ridiculous dates where something went wrong. Maybe you had similar anecdotes?
Six million four hundred eighty three thousand four hundred ninety eight
- The young man wished to buy me ice cream. I chose the chocolate flavour.
After 4 hours of great walking, he walked me home, and in a moment I was embarrassed. He casually asked whether I face some features. I don't understand the question. Then he elaborated, noting that even large moles can paint that absolutely nothing terrible, and I really like him, and even now medicine is such that everything can be fixed. In disbelief I said goodbye and went to the entrance and saw on his cheek a huge stain from the ice cream.
- Took a girl on a first date karaoke. She chose a Whitney Houston song "I will always love you" and sang it great. All anything, but just before that she shouted for the whole room, "Dedicated to my ex!»
- I offered the guy to go for art house film. We came the next session was on the movie "Club Shortbas" — neither the title nor the poster nor what we said. We bought tickets and sat down to wait. But then in conversation it became clear that he does not know English, and the film is in the original. This means, the whole film he will have to read the subtitles. But then it turned out that he is also short-sighted. He comforted me until I apologised for not warned, said nothing wrong, as long as the movie was good. Did the movie, and then the first frame — something strange... Then the camera slowly zooms out and becomes clear that this is a huge manhood man lying in the tub. Then he gets out of the bath, and proceeds to abused myself. In the center of events in this film are a pervert, a nympho, a boyfriend with his lover, a man and a lot of explicit scenes. I offered to quit, cheeks burned like fire, we both were confused hard to describe to what extent. We watched the movie till the end, almost without speaking. I was upset and thought it was the biggest failure in my life. But it turned out that this is not the end.
After the movie we went to the station via an underground passage, where I was abruptly became bad. In that year, was in pain somehow, intestinal flu, and apparently I also picked up on it. I only had time to say, "You're going to be friends with me if I feel nauseated?". He brought me to the train, green and writhing in pain, thanks to him! More on Dating we didn't go. But remember now, very funny :)
- 10 minutes before the first meeting with a guy I was spoiled dove. And the excrement of a dove, as I learned on this day is very, very caustic smell. I did not dare to tell you about a curious guy, so from me the whole way and breezed pigeon droppings. First impression, I think, was spoiled.
- I took a girl to Starbucks because of the excitement I forgot her name.
- The young man, knowing my love of photography, he called very early date, to remove lift up the fog. The weather was cold, it was in November, I had two cameras and a huge backpack.
After 2 hours walk we reached the place where he descended the steps and shouted that the water offers stunning views. I made a few graceful motions towards him and suddenly fell into the water. The only thing I managed to think: "What is brown water!»
- The date was so bad that I gave the waiter 500 rubles, so he "accidentally" spilled on me brought the drink.
- The first time I asked a girl to the movies. It was in November. She came in a jacket, tied a bright scarf, beautiful, smiling. In the tenth minute of the film, realizing that the screen twist some shaped vulgarity, I squirmed in my seat and began to think that it is urgent to save the situation and began to joke about what is happening in the film. She laughed, but in my own way, even not for a moment turned around and stared at the screen and though henna! I've been joking all night, but all to no avail.
And then she admitted to me that she had a few days before the date the injury has occurred to the neck, and she put the lock. And she just couldn't turn my head! To cancel a date she didn't want, and she very cleverly disguised latch scarf.
- It was something like a pair of blind dates. Friends decided to take said to take a bottle of red wine. And here I was so bold, they come to his home, stumbling over a small threshold into the living room, falling and breaking a bottle on the corner of the sofa. The sofa was not leather, and up to this point white. The story of our relationship ends.
- We came out of the subway, descended into the passage, and here I am, all confident, beautiful dress, after a successful date, almost in love with the young man, suddenly right in front of him tripped on the junction of tile and sewer grates and the crushing fell to both knees in a dirty transition.
I was hurt, ashamed, scared, I wanted to sink into the ground and cry... But then his hands grabbed me by the waist, he lifted me, hugged, comforted, helped wipe blood off his knees, wiped most of the dirt, hugged and kissed... As he later admitted, that my perplexity helped him to muster the courage.
See also
36 questions that lead to love
What's going on with the men in the head on the first date
The Frank admission of a married man who continues to date
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/otkrovennoe-priznanie-zhenatogo-muzhchiny-kotoryj-prodolzhaet-hodit-na-svidaniya-983510/