Earth, goodbye

Mission to the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko completed in a controlled fall to the comet. The mission of "Rosetta", sometimes dramatic, began in 2004, when the spacecraft went to the comet, and reached it in August 2014. 12 Nov was launched the Philae on the comet surface. Malfunction of the apparatus is not allowed to get a fix on the comet's surface, bounced off the surface where Philae is stuck under a rock called "Perihelion Cliff", which was photographed 2 September 2016, nearly a month before the end of the mission "Rosetta".
PSragequit a little ahead of me. Publication dedicated to the latest maneuver of the apparatus.
The final maneuver of Rosetta shown in the animation:
The maneuver was made at 20:50 GMT (23:50 GMT) and Rosetta has been moving closer to the comet, "falling" from a height of about 19 km with a speed of approximately 0.5 m/s.
During the fall, Rosetta continued to study comets. Studied gases, dust and plasma in comet. To take pictures of the comet. Approximately 1.5 km to the comet ceased to focus narrow-angle camera, and shirokopalyj at a distance of about 300 meters. All the data is "Rosetta" delivered to the Earth before the collision with the comet.
Distance ~15.5 km 02:17 GMT




Distance 1.7 km, 05:25 GMT

Distance 8.9 km, 06:53 GMT

Distance 5.8 km

08:21 GMT

A distance of 1.2 km, 10:14 GMT

The relationship ended today at 11:19 GMT (14:19 MSK) as a result of the impact with the comet and the loss of orientation of a highly directional antenna on the Ground, than reported in the official blog of the mission.

Source: geektimes.ru/post/281002/
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