Paris Pont des Arts collapses under weight of locks

A lot of locks, leave in love on the famous Pont des arts in Paris, became the cause of the collapse of one of the spans of this architectural masterpiece.
In the night of Sunday because of the threat of collapse, the police blocked access to the bridge. Old, repeatedly restore the bridge that survived two major wars, could not survive the onslaught of unusual traditions. Thousands of "love locks" that the lovers were hitched to the fence, dropped part of the structure. According to police reports, no one was hurt, but in the case of ingress span on the boat, the consequences could be disastrous.
Thousands of couples, including such famous as Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, turned lattice bridge in two solid wall of metal. According to some experts, should prohibit such practices. "People climb up on lamp posts to hang locks, hanging over the bridge, risking his life. This is the kind of mania. It's no longer romance." The leadership of the French capital so far resisted calls to take action on vandalism, but the bridge collapse could change that.The press Secretary of the mayor's office said, "If the tradition continues to gain popularity and causes too much damage to the monuments of the city, will be considered attempts to solve the problem."
Source: nauka24news.ru/