10 examples of absurd combinations of clothing, from which will be shocked any stylist.
According to experts in the fashion world, this woman should be able to combine the right clothes, shoes, accessories and makeup.
However, the difficulty lies in the fact that some women are born with a sense of style and literally from the cradle affect surrounding its natural instinct and good taste , while others, unfortunately, have to listen to the advice of others, more stylish people.
We offer to your attention the 10 most absurd combinations of clothing that are considered mauvais ton
As it is impossible to combine clothes Dark boots bright dress + < br>
It looks ridiculous and visually shorten the leg.
Classic jeans jacket +
This ensemble is best avoided!
Treads + miniskirt
You want to look stylish or cheap? You decide!
+ knitting Leggings Skirt
Great for little girls. If you do not already 5 years - forget about this combination.
Red shoes red bag +
Overkill with color.
Leather jacket + shoes
It is impossible to combine incongruous!
long skirt Ankle +
This image does not look like anyone?
Court shoes + any thing in military style
About this combination is better to forget - it is impossible to injure the human psyche.
Stockings + miniskirt
Japanese anime for schoolchildren.
Socks + shoes with open cape
No no and one more time no!
Being a woman - means being able to dress up
However, the difficulty lies in the fact that some women are born with a sense of style and literally from the cradle affect surrounding its natural instinct and good taste , while others, unfortunately, have to listen to the advice of others, more stylish people.
We offer to your attention the 10 most absurd combinations of clothing that are considered mauvais ton
As it is impossible to combine clothes Dark boots bright dress + < br>
It looks ridiculous and visually shorten the leg.

Classic jeans jacket +
This ensemble is best avoided!

Treads + miniskirt
You want to look stylish or cheap? You decide!
+ knitting Leggings Skirt
Great for little girls. If you do not already 5 years - forget about this combination.

Red shoes red bag +
Overkill with color.

Leather jacket + shoes
It is impossible to combine incongruous!

long skirt Ankle +
This image does not look like anyone?

Court shoes + any thing in military style
About this combination is better to forget - it is impossible to injure the human psyche.

Stockings + miniskirt
Japanese anime for schoolchildren.
Socks + shoes with open cape
No no and one more time no!

Being a woman - means being able to dress up
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