It struck at her fingernails a little vinegar. The result will surprise you!
Most women can not imagine life without a manicure, and rightly so, because the well-groomed nails are always in fashion. But after 2-3 days manicure begins to deteriorate: exfoliate nails, broken and chipped paint. These little annoyances can happen to each of the fair sex, but there are little tricks , which will help extend the life of your manicure.
10 tricks for a perfect manicure Wipe nails vinegar
Before applying the base necessarily wipe nails with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar. This will help them to degrease and polish will stay much longer.
Pumps base layer 2
Most likely, your nails become brittle due to the daily work on the house, so that the second layer will be an additional protection against damage.
Do not let varnish get on cuticle
At the time of staining nail polish can easily get to the cuticle, but if this is to happen, and it dries such a way manicure will last very long.
Do not forget about the free edge
His must-varnish to manicure was more persistent.
Use your cotton swab
If you suddenly smeared nail, it makes no sense to completely wash, cleaning with a cotton swab.
Use your nail oil
Put oil on your nails every day, so that they become stronger, longer exfoliate and break.
Pumps upper layer
Is applied to your top layer of varnish nails every few days to paint does not chip and nails do not break.
cut away chips
If the tips of your nails steel shear or peel off a little of their signature and seal the free end of varnish or topcoat.
hides regrown manicure
If the nails are grown, and there is no time to correct, hide regrown nail glitter.
If skololsya varnish, make french
When the tip of the nail varnish began to affect, you can easily hide chips, making jacket.
Be sure to take advantage of these tricks and convince myself that the nail polish can be kept for weeks. If you have taken to heart this advice, I tell them my friends!
via takprosto.cc
10 tricks for a perfect manicure Wipe nails vinegar
Before applying the base necessarily wipe nails with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar. This will help them to degrease and polish will stay much longer.

Pumps base layer 2
Most likely, your nails become brittle due to the daily work on the house, so that the second layer will be an additional protection against damage.

Do not let varnish get on cuticle
At the time of staining nail polish can easily get to the cuticle, but if this is to happen, and it dries such a way manicure will last very long.

Do not forget about the free edge
His must-varnish to manicure was more persistent.

Use your cotton swab
If you suddenly smeared nail, it makes no sense to completely wash, cleaning with a cotton swab.

Use your nail oil
Put oil on your nails every day, so that they become stronger, longer exfoliate and break.

Pumps upper layer
Is applied to your top layer of varnish nails every few days to paint does not chip and nails do not break.

cut away chips
If the tips of your nails steel shear or peel off a little of their signature and seal the free end of varnish or topcoat.

hides regrown manicure
If the nails are grown, and there is no time to correct, hide regrown nail glitter.

If skololsya varnish, make french
When the tip of the nail varnish began to affect, you can easily hide chips, making jacket.

Be sure to take advantage of these tricks and convince myself that the nail polish can be kept for weeks. If you have taken to heart this advice, I tell them my friends!
via takprosto.cc