Physicists have put forward a new theory to explain the lack of observations of dark matter on Earth

The picture shows a three-dimensional reconstruction of the distribution of dark matter, data processing of gravitational lensing i>
Physicists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA) выступили with a new theory about the causes of , in which dark matter can not find in experiments on Earth. Scientists believe that dark matter may consist of a composite of electrically neutral particles subjected to a previously unknown form of the strong interaction. Scientists call these particles "hidden».
Their findings reinforce the researchers theoretical calculations and computer models , working for 2 petaflopnom supercomputer Vulcan, located in the laboratory.
According to them, in the presence of extremely high temperatures - for example, shortly after the Big Bang - the particles of dark matter, the quarks in the neutron, have an electric charge, and respond to all particles.
"The presence of these interactions in the early stages of the universe is very important for us, because the ratio of normal and dark matter in the modern Universe says that to cool between them had to happen some balancing, - says Pavlos Vranas, one of the authors .
A low temperature, they form composite particles are electrically neutral. But, unlike neutrons, hidden particles linked a previously unknown form of the strong interaction - a kind of "dark chromodynamics." Therefore, although the universe is 83% consists of dark matter, it is not directly exposed to any electromagnetic or the strong or weak interactions. It can only be observed by gravitational effects, by which galaxies and galaxy clusters are moving exactly as it happens in reality.
Although hidden stable particles like protons, they give birth to a host of other particles, which fall soon after. And the latter may have a net electrical charge. Although these particles appeared in the Universe naturally, have long since disappeared, we can repeat this process in the Large Hadron Collider. Their birth can be fixed after the collision beams, as they should have an electric charge. "Experiments in underground detectors at the LHC, or will soon be able to prove or disprove our theory."
Source: geektimes.ru/post/263020/
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